2014-05-18 10:29:36 +08:00

4 KiB


R3 is an URL router library with high performance, thus, it's implemented in C. It compiles your route paths into a prefix trie.

By using the constructed prefix trie in the start-up time, you can dispatch routes with efficiency.


  • autoconf
  • automake
  • check
  • pcre
  • jemalloc
  • graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041)

Pattern Syntax

/blog/post/{id}      use [^/]+ regular expression by default.
/blog/post/{id:\d+}  use `\d+` regular expression instead of default.


#include <r3.h>

// create a router tree with 10 children capacity (this capacity can grow dynamically)
n = r3_tree_create(10);

int route_data = 3;

// insert the route path into the router tree
r3_tree_insert_pathn(n , "/zoo"       , strlen("/zoo")       , &route_data );
r3_tree_insert_pathn(n , "/foo/bar"   , strlen("/foo/bar")   , &route_data );
r3_tree_insert_pathn(n , "/bar"       , strlen("/bar")       , &route_data );
r3_tree_insert_pathn(n , "/post/{id}" , strlen("/post/{id}") , &route_data );

// let's compile the tree!

// dump the compiled tree
r3_tree_dump(n, 0);

// match a route
node *matched_node = r3_tree_match(n, "/foo/bar", strlen("/foo/bar") );
matched_node->endpoint; // make sure there is a route end at here.
int ret = *( (*int) matched_node->route_ptr );


The routing benchmark from stevegraham/rails' PR https://github.com/stevegraham/rails/pull/1:

             omg    10462.0 (±6.7%) i/s -      52417 in   5.030416s

And here is the result of the router journey:

             omg     9932.9 (±4.8%) i/s -      49873 in   5.033452s

r3 uses the same route path data for benchmarking, and here is the benchmark:

            3 runs, 5000000 iterations each run, finished in 1.308894 seconds
            11460057.83 i/sec

The matching speed of r3 is 1153+ times faster than rails' trie router.

The benchmarking route paths

The route path generator is from https://github.com/stevegraham/rails/pull/1:

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
arr    = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux", "quux", "corge", "grault", "garply"]
paths  = arr.permutation(3).map { |a| "/#{a.join '/'}" }
paths.each do |path|
    puts "r3_tree_insert_path(n, \"#{path}\", NULL);"

Rendering routes with graphviz

The test_gvc_render_file API let you render the whole route trie into a image.


Or you can even export it with dot format:

digraph g {
	graph [bb="0,0,205.1,471"];
	node [label="\N"];
	"{root}"	 [height=0.5,
	"#1"	 [height=0.5,

Use case in PHP

// Here is the paths data structure
$paths = [
    '/blog/post/{id}' => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'item'   , 'method'   => 'GET' ] , 
    '/blog/post'      => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'list'   , 'method'   => 'GET' ] , 
    '/blog/post'      => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'create' , 'method' => 'POST' ]  , 
    '/blog'           => [ 'controller' => 'BlogController' , 'action' => 'list'   , 'method'   => 'GET' ] , 
$rs = r3_compile($paths, 'persisten-table-id');
$ret = r3_dispatch($rs, '/blog/post/3' );
list($complete, $route, $variables) = $ret;

// matched conditions aren't done yet
list($error, $message) = r3_validate($route); // validate route conditions
if ( $error ) {
    echo $message; // "Method not allowed", "...";


sudo apt-get install check libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libjemalloc-dev libjemalloc1 build-essential libtool automake autoconf graphviz-dev graphviz
./configure && make
make check # run tests
sudo make install

Enable Graphviz

./configure --enable-graphviz


This software is released under MIT License.