# Introduction `XFR` is a command introduced with [MSNP2](../versions/msnp2.md). It is a Dispatch Server and Notification Server command, without either a request or response payload. It tells the client what server to connect to for the request. # Client/Request `XFR TrID server-type` Where `server-type` is either `SB` (for a Switchboard Server), or `NS` (for a new Notification Server). # Server/Response `XFR TrID server-type address:port {...}` Where `server-type` is either `SB` (for Switchboard), or `NS` (for a Notification Server). Where `address:port` is the server you have requested or being referred to is. If this is set to `0`, proceed to **ignore** the `server-type` parameter and restart the login process on the current server from [VER](ver.md). ## XFR NS `XFR TrID NS address:port {0|U} {current-server|D}` In [MSNP3](../versions/msnp3.md) and above until [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md), `0` is always set to `0`. In [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md) and above until [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md), `current-server` is the current server you are connected to. In [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md) and higher, the `0` is replaced with a constant `U`, and the `current-server` is replaced with a constant `D`. ## XFR SB `XFR TrID SB address:port authentication-method authentication-parameter {U} {domain} {direct-connect}` Where `authentication-method` is always `CKI`. Where `authentication-parameter` is the "cookie" you need to log in to Switchboard. Where `U` is always set to `U`. Since [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md). No use documented. Where `domain` is always set to `messenger.msn.com`. Since [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md). No use documented. Where `direct-connect` is set to one of these two values, Since [MSNP14](../versions/msnp14.md): * `0`: This `address:port` can only be accessed only via the HTTP Gateway. * `1`: This `address:port` can be connected to via TCP as well as the HTTP Gateway. # Examples ## Before rework *Only in [MSNP2](../versions/msnp2.md) to [MSNP12](../versions/msnp12.md).* ### Client requests a new Switchboard session ``` C: XFR 1 SB S: XFR 1 SB CKI 123456789.123456789.123456789 ``` ### Client requests a new Notification server *Only used as-is in Beta 2 as the first command sent to a Dispatch Server.* ``` C: XFR 2 NS S: XFR 2 NS ``` Client disconnects from server. Client opens a connection to ``. ### Client referred from Dispatch Server #### Very Old *Only in [MSNP2](../versions/msnp2.md).* ``` C: USR 3 MD5 I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 3 NS ``` Client disconnects from server. Client opens a connection to ``. #### Classic *Only in [MSNP3](../versions/msnp3.md) to [MSNP6](../versions/msnp6.md).* ``` C: USR 4 MD5 I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 4 NS 0 ``` Client disconnects from server. Client opens a connection to ``. #### Modern *Only in [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md) to [MSNP12](../versions/msnp12.md).* ``` C: USR 5 MD5 I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 5 NS 0 ``` Client disconnects from server. Client opens a connection to ``. ## After rework *Since [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md).* ### Client requests a new Switchboard session #### Without direct connect parameter *Only in [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md).* ``` C: XFR 6 SB S: XFR 6 SB CKI 123456789.123456789.123456789 U messenger.msn.com ``` #### With direct connect parameter *Since [MSNP14](../versions/msnp14.md).* ``` C: XFR 7 SB S: XFR 7 SB CKI 123456789.123456789.123456789 U messenger.msn.com 1 ``` ### Client referred from Dispatch Server ``` C: USR 8 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 8 NS U D ``` ## Forced soft reset *Applies for any protocol version.* ``` S: XFR 0 NS 0 C: VER 6 MSNP7 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 ``` # Known changes * [MSNP3](../versions/msnp3.md): Added a new parameter that is always `0` to XFR NS. * [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md): Added a new parameter that is the current server you are communicating with to XFR NS. * [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md): Replaced `0` and the current server parameter with `U` and `D` respectively in XFR NS, and also added two parameters to XFR SB, one that is always `U`, and one that is a domain name, which is always `messenger.msn.com`. * [MSNP14](../versions/msnp14.md): Added a new parameter that is either `0` or `1` to XFR SB to denote whenever the client should directly connect to the address, or use the HTTP Gateway to connect instead.