# Introduction `REG` is a command introduced with [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md) It is a Notification Server command, without either a request or response payload. Renames an existing group. Replaced with [Address Book Service](../services/abservice.md)'s [`ABGroupUpdate`](../services/abservice/abgroupupdate.md) in [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md). # Client/Request `REG TrID group-id new-group-name {0}` Where `group-id` is the group's identification number. With `ABCHMigrated: 1`, this is instead the group's GUID. Where `new-group-name` is the name you want to rename `group-id` to. Has a limit of 127 bytes (URL-encoded characters count as 3 bytes). Where `0` is always `0`. Removed in [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md). # Server/Response `REG TrID {list-version} group-id group-name {0}` Where `list-version` is the new List Version. Removed in [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) Where` group-name` is the updated name of the group. # Examples ## With list versions *Only in [MSNP7](../versions/msnp7.md) to [MSNP9](../versions/msnp9.md).* ### Normal use ``` C: REG 1 0 example%20group%20rename 0 S: REG 1 256 0 example%20group%20rename 0 ``` ### Cannot rename group that doesn't exist yet ``` C: REG 2 2 non-existant%20group 0 S: 224 2 ``` ### Cannot rename out-of-bounds groups ``` C: REG 3 30 example%20out%20of%20bounds%20group 0 ``` Server disconnects client. ### Group name extremely long *NOTE: This has been line-breaked. Lines beginnging with `..` followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.* ``` C: REG 4 0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAA 0 ``` Server disconnects client. ## Without list versions ### With group IDs *Only in [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) with `ABCHMigrated: 0`.* #### Normal use ``` C: REG 5 0 another%20example%20group%20rename S: REG 5 0 another%20example%20group%20rename ``` #### Cannot rename group that doesn't exist yet ``` C: REG 6 2 still%20a%20non-existant%20group S: 224 6 ``` #### Cannot rename out-of-bounds groups ``` C: REG 7 30 still%20out%20of%20bounds ``` Server disconnects client. ### Group name extremely long *NOTE: This has been line-breaked. Lines beginnging with `..` followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.* ``` C: REG 8 0 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAA ``` Server disconnects client. ### With group GUIDs *Since [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md) with `ABCHMigrated: 1`.* #### Normal use ``` C: REG 9 d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042 yet%20another%20example%20group%20rename C: REG 9 d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042 yet%20another%20example%20group%20rename ``` #### Cannot rename group that doesn't exist yet ``` C: REG 10 11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555 still%20a%20non-existant%20group S: 224 10 ``` #### Cannot use an invalid GUID ``` C: REG 11 THIS0IS0-NOT0-A0VA-LID0-GUID0AT0ALL! very%20invalid%20GUID%20there ``` Server disconnects client. ### Group name extremely long *NOTE: This has been line-breaked. Lines beginnging with `..` followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.* ``` C: REG 12 d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA .. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ``` Server disconnects client. ## Command removed *Since [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md).* ``` C: REG 13 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329 Other%20Friends ``` Server disconnects client. # Known changes * [MSNP10](../versions/msnp10.md): Removed unused `0` parameter, removed List Versions, and with `ABCHMigrated: 1`, changed group IDs to GUIDs. * [MSNP13](../versions/msnp13.md): Removed (automatic disconnect), use [Address Book Service](../services/abservice.md)'s [`ABGroupUpdate`](../services/abservice/abgroupupdate.md) instead.