# Introduction MSNP8 is the seventh released version of the Mobile Status Notification Protocol. It was introduced officially in Client Version 5.0.0537. # Command information *No commands for any service were known to be introduced in this version* *No error codes were known to be introduced in this version* The following commands were removed in this version: * [INF](../commands/inf.md) (automatic disconnection) * [FND](../commands/fnd.md) (`502` by July 2003, see Known changes for client details.) # Known changes (from [MSNP7](msnp7.md)): * [CVQ](../commands/cvq.md): Client codebase identification parameter is no longer empty. * Being the first protocol split, all released clients that support MSNP8 do not support any previous versions. * Login process is now [VER](../commands/ver.md)-[CVR](../commands/cvr.md)-[USR](../commands/usr.md) instead of [VER](../commands/ver.md)-[INF](../commands/inf.md)-[USR](../commands/usr.md). * [USR](../commands/usr.md) OK has a new parameter, Account restriction status, if set to `1`, the Official Client **will** forcefully log out and **demand** that you log in using MSN Explorer instead. Unrestricted accounts (those that do **not** need to log in using MSN Explorer) will have the value set to `0` instead. * Introduced `TWN` authentication method, which uses [Passport 1.4](../services/passport14.md) over HTTPS. * Reworked [SYN](../commands/syn.md) and related response commands (notably [LSG](../commands/lsg.md) and [LST](../commands/lst.md)) drastically: * Iterators are gone, now total size of both groups and total contacts included in SYN response. * All transaction IDs and list versions have been removed from response commands (now treated as asynchronous commands). * Unset properties ([PRP](../commands/prp.md) commands) are now omitted. Hurray. * [CVR](../commands/cvr.md) request now has a new 8th parameter, which is the current user. This also applies to [CVQ](../commands/cvq.md) in [CVR0](cvr0.md). * New initial profile fields: `ClientIP` and `ClientPort`. `ClientPort` needs to be endian swapped for it's correct value. Formula: `y = (((x & 0xff) * 256) + ((x & 0xff00)/256))`. * NOTE: [FND](../commands/fnd.md) might still exist in client, but theres no way of triggering it. Practically removed. All previous protocol versions also received the 502 error code. * [BPR](../commands/bpr.md) removes related user, for some reason, default fields share same optimization as [PRP](../commands/prp.md) does. * [LST](../commands/lst.md) (for [SYN](../commands/syn.md)): Lists are now all combined into a single number, where: 1 = Forward List (FL), 2 = Allow List (AL), 4 = Block List (BL), 8 = Reverse List (RL), For example, a contact on the Forward List (FL), Allow List (AL) and Reverse List (RL) would have their combined list number be 11. * [CHG](../commands/chg.md), [ILN](../commands/iln.md), [NLN](../commands/nln.md): [Client Capabilities](../files/client_capabilities.md) are introduced. You can now tell other clients what features you support. * Official Client: Connectivity field added to application requests to notify the other user about what the network conditions are. * Official Client: Introduced ABCH (Address Book Clearing House) support. The URL is gathered from `svcs.microsoft.com`. `abch_config.asp` provides an XML document with a `` element. It has a `` element containing the service URL, a `` element, and finally a `` element. Example values are `http://contacts.msn.com/abservice/abservice.asmx`, `0` and `0.0` respectively. * Official Client: Added new [URL](../commands/url.md) services `ADDRBOOK`, `ADVSEARCH` and `INTSEARCH` ## Changes to error codes TODO: this section Added: 603 # Client-server communication example *NOTE: This has been line-breaked. Lines beginning with `..` followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.* ``` C: VER 1 MSNP8 CVR0 S: VER 1 MSNP8 C: CVR 2 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0537 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com S: CVR 2 5.0.0537 5.0.0537 1.0.0863 .. http://download.microsoft.com/download/msnmessenger/install/5.0/w98nt42kmexp/en-us/setupdl.exe .. http://messenger.microsoft.com C: USR 3 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 3 NS 0 ``` Client disconnects from server Client opens a connection to ``` C: VER 4 MSNP8 CVR0 S: VER 4 MSNP8 C: CVR 5 0x0409 win 4.10 i386 MSNMSGR 5.0.0537 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com S: CVR 5 5.0.0537 5.0.0537 1.0.0863 .. http://download.microsoft.com/download/msnmessenger/install/5.0/w98nt42kmexp/en-us/setupdl.exe .. http://messenger.microsoft.com C: USR 6 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: USR 6 TWN S passport=parameters,neat=huh,lc=1033,id=507 ``` *The HTTPS interlude is described in the [Passport 1.4](../services/passport14.md) article.* ``` C: USR 7 TWN S $(pp14response.headers.authenticationInfo["from-PP"]) S: USR 7 OK example@hotmail.com example%20user 1 0 S: MSG Hotmail Hotmail 448 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8 LoginTime: 1726321960 EmailEnabled: 1 MemberIdHigh: 1 MemberIdLow: 2 lang_preference: 1033 PreferredEmail: example@hotmail.com country: US PostalCode: Gender: Kid: 0 Age: BDayPre: Birthday: Wallet: Flags: 1027 sid: 507 kv: 11 MSPAuth: whatever+t+is+in+your+passport+login+ticket+that+you+sent+for+USR+TWN+S$ ClientIP: ClientPort: 18183 C: SYN 8 14 S: SYN 8 15 1 1 S: GTC A S: BLP AL S: PRP PHH 123%20(4567) S: LSG 0 Other%20Contacts 0 S: LST anotheruser@hotmail.com another%20user 11 0 S: BPR PHH 1%20(222)%20333%204444 C: CHG 9 NLN 0 S: CHG 9 NLN 0 S: ILN 9 NLN anotheruser@hotmail.com another%20user 28 S: NLN NLN anotheruser@hotmail.com another%20user 2 S: NLN NLN anotheruser@hotmail.com another%20user 28 C: OUT ``` Client disconnects from server ``` S: OUT ``` Server disconnects client