# Introduction MSNP6 is the fifth released version of the Mobile Status Notification Protocol. It was introduced officially in Client Version 3.6.0038. # Command information It introduces the notification service commands: * [CHL](../commands/chl.md) * [IPG](../commands/ipg.md) * [QRY](../commands/qry.md) *No switchboard or dispatch service commands were known to be introduced in this version* *No error codes were known to be introduced in this version* It introduces the error codes: * 540 * 915 * 916 # Known changes (from [MSNP5](msnp5.md)): * [USR](../commands/usr.md) OK now has a verified bit (parameter 4), if it is `0`, the Official Client shows a warning to verify the account. *NOTE: Your display name will be forced to be `example@hotmail.com (E-Mail Address Not Verified)`, and can not be changed.* * Client-server challenges were introduced. The format for the response ([QRY](../commands/qry.md) commands) are `MD5(challenge + privateKey)` as a lowercase hexadecimal string. * An example Private Key is `Q1P7W2E4J9R8U3S5`, which is tied to the Public Key of `msmsgs@msnmsgr.com`. * First protocol version added in a patch release (Client Versions 3.6.0025 and 3.6.0026 do not support MSNP6). * Official Client: Added new [URL](../commands/url.md) services `PROFILE`, `N2PACCOUNT` and `N2PFUND`. * Official Client: Error 924 dialog changed to the unverified but still can use service one. Not sure why. ## Changes to error codes *Only applies for the Official Client.* ### Re-added None. ### Removed * 215 * 219 * 919 # Client-server communication example ``` C: VER 1 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVR0 S: VER 1 MSNP6 C: INF 2 S: INF 2 MD5 C: USR 3 MD5 I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 3 NS 0 ``` Client disconnects from server Client opens a connection to ``` C: VER 4 MSNP6 MSNP5 MSNP4 CVR0 S: VER 4 MSNP6 C: INF 5 S: INF 5 MD5 C: USR 6 MD5 I example@hotmail.com S: USR 6 MDS S prefix C: USR 7 MD5 S $md5(prefix + password) S: USR 7 OK example@hotmail.com example%20user 1 S: MSG Hotmail Hotmail 367 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8 LoginTime: 1726321960 EmailEnabled: 1 MemberIdHigh: 1 MemberIdLow: 2 lang_preference: 1033 PreferredEmail: example@hotmail.com country: US PostalCode: Gender: Kid: 0 Age: BDayPre: Birthday: Wallet: Flags: 1027 sid: 507 kv: 11 MSPAuth: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA$$ C: SYN 8 8 S: SYN 8 8 C: CHG 9 NLN S: CHG 9 NLN S: CHL 0 11111111111111111111 C: QRY 10 msmsgs@msnmsgr.com 32 3b6666b60157322b6fc6e41a115968f5 S: QRY 10 S: IPG 478 Hello! I am talking from a mobile device. C: OUT ``` Client disconnects from server ``` S: OUT ``` Server disconnects client