# Introduction `ABGroupContactAdd` is one of the SOAP actions the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) provides. Adds a contact from the Forward List (FL) to a contact group. # Client/Request The template used in this action is described on the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) main page. ## ABGroupContactAdd This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns:` Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. ### abId This element contains your [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) GUID. ### groupFilter This element only contains the `` element. #### groupIds This element only contains one or multiple `` element(s). ##### guid The GUID of the group you'd like to add a contact to. ### contacts This element only contains the `` element. #### Contact This element only contains the [``](contactinfo.md) element. This element has one optional child: * ``: Used to add an existing contact to a group. ##### contactInfo *NOTE: This element is only used when adding a new contact to a group.* For more information about this element, read the [``](contactinfo.md) article. The relevant elements are: * ``: Used with `` or `` if this is a new contact outside of the Messenger Network. * ``: Used with `` if this is a new email-only contact. * ``: Used with `` if this is a new phone-only contact. ### groupContactAddOptions This element has two children: * ``: Should this action generate the `` in the `` element (`true` or `false`). * ``: Usually only set to `true`. # Server/Response The template used in this action is described on the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) main page. ## ABGroupContactAddResponse This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns:` Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. ### ABGroupContactAddResult This element only contains the `` element. #### guid This element contains the GUID of the contact that was added to the group. # Examples ## Client/Request ``` POST /abservice/abservice.asmx HTTP/1.1 SOAPAction: http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/ABGroupContactAdd Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 1360 996CDE1E-AA53-4477-B943-2BE802EA6166 false GroupSave false t=ticket&p=profile 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329 c1f9a363-4ee9-4a33-a434-b056a4c55b98 ``` ## Server/Response ``` HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 931 12.01.1111.0000 12r1;MjAyNC0xMS0xOVQxNDowOTowNi41MzZa true contacts.example.com ecfaf8c7-e388-4571-8641-b061a0ac4bdc c1f9a363-4ee9-4a33-a434-b056a4c55b98 ```