# Introduction `ABContactAdd` is one of the SOAP actions the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) provides. Adds a contact to the Forward List (FL). For adding a contact to any other list, see the [Contact Sharing Service](../sharingservice.md). # Client/Request The template used in this action is described on the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) main page. ## ABContactAdd This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns`: Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. ### abId This element contains your [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) GUID. ### contacts This element contains one or multiple `` elements. #### Contact This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns`: Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. ##### contactInfo For more information about this element, read the [``](contactinfo.md) article. The relevant elements are: * ``: The user handle that you would like to add. * ``: Is the user I am adding a part of the Messenger Service Network? If they are, set to `true`, otherwise set to `false`. * ``: (Optional?) The type of contact you'd like to add: * `LivePending`: A Messenger Service user. * `Regular`: A user from another service. * ``: Used exclusively if this is a email-only contact. * ``: Used with `` if this is a phone-only contact. * ``: Used with `` if this is a phone-only contact. ### options This element contains one child: * ``: Usually only set to `true`. # Server/Response The template used in this action is described on the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) main page. ## ABContactAddResponse This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns`: Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. This element only contains the `` element. ### ABContactAddResult This element only contains the `` element. They may be the same amount of `` elements as the amount of `` elements you specify, but this behavour is yet to be confirmed. #### guid The GUID of the contact you have added. # Examples ## Client/Request ``` POST /abservice/abservice.asmx HTTP/1.1 SOAPAction: http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/ABContactAdd Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 1464 996CDE1E-AA53-4477-B943-2BE802EA6166 false ContactSave false t=ticket&p=profile 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 anotheruser@hotmail.com true LivePending true ``` ## Server/Response ``` HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml Content-Length: 911 12.01.1111.0000 12r1;MjAyNC0xMS0xOVQxNDowOTowNi41MzZa true contacts.example.com ecfaf8c7-e388-4571-8641-b061a0ac4bdc c1f9a363-4ee9-4a33-a434-b056a4c55b98 ```