# Introduction MSNP10 is the ninth released version of the Mobile Status Notification Protocol. It was introduced officially in Client Version 6.1.0155. # Command information It introduces the notification service commands: * [ADC](../commands/adc.md) * [SBP](../commands/sbp.md) *No switchboard or dispatch service commands were known to be introduced in this version* The following commands were removed in this version: * [ADD](../commands/add.md) (automatic disconnection) * [REA](../commands/rea.md) (automatic disconnection?) # Known changes (from [MSNP9](msnp9.md)): * Added new initial profile variable `TOUNeeded`. If exists and set to 1, a dialog box to review the Messenger Service Terms of Use is shown to the user. * Changed [SYN](../commands/syn.md) request and response. Client: `SYN transactionID listVersion settingsVersion`. Server: `SYN transactionID listVersion settingsVersion numberOfContacts numberOfGroups`. `settingsVersion` is always 0. * Removed unused parameter from [LSG](../commands/lsg.md). * Current display name is removed from USR, now is returned with other user properties ([PRP](../commands/prp.md) commands) in SYN. * [PRP](../commands/prp.md) MFN replaces [REA](../commands/rea.md) (current user handle). [SBP](../commands/sbp.md) (contact ID) MFN replaces other uses of [REA](../commands/rea.md). * [LST](../commands/lst.md): Added prefixes to the user handle (`N=`) and friendly name (`F=`) parameters. * Added new initial profile variable `ABCHMigrated`. If set to 1, some commands are altered, such as: * [SYN](../commands/syn.md): The request and response's list versions are now ISO 8601 with 7 subsecond digits, usually with a -07:00 timezone offset. the previously unused second parameter (both request and response) is used as the Last Settings Version, and follows the same time format as List Versions now do. * [LST](../commands/lst.md): GUID specified as `C=` parameter, group IDs are now GUIDs. * [ADC](../commands/adc.md), [REM](../commands/rem.md): uses GUIDs instead of contact user handles if the list is the Forward List (FL), and same applies also for groups. * [LSG](../commands/lsg.md), [ADG](../commands/adg.md): Uses GUIDs instead of IDs. * [SBP](../commands/sbp.md): Uses the contact's GUID instead of the Contact Address. * All list version updating commands no longer return the current list version when used. The following commands are affected: * [GTC](../commands/gtc.md) * [BLP](../commands/blp.md) * [ADG](../commands/adg.md) * [BPR](../commands/bpr.md) * [REG](../commands/reg.md) * [RMG](../commands/rmg.md) * [REM](../commands/rem.md) * [PRP](../commands/prp.md) * Added a new list: Pending List/PL (bit 5, decimal 16). This list contains users that have unhandled "contact added you" notifications. * Added new server-side [OUT](../commands/out.md) reasons: `MIG`, if the server has migrated you to ABCH, and `TOU`, for not accepting the Service Terms of Use. * First protocol version to remove a core command implemented since [MSNP2](msnp2.md) draft ([ADD](../commands/add.md)). # Client-server communication example *NOTE: This has been line-breaked. Lines beginning with `..` followed by a space are continuations of the previous line.* ``` C: VER 1 MSNP10 MSNP9 CVR0 S: VER 1 MSNP10 C: CVR 2 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com S: CVR 2 6.1.0211 6.1.0211 6.1.0155 .. http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/C/83C4B2DB-AC1C-4B56-8144-4472C0982F21/SetupDl.exe .. http://messenger.msn.com C: USR 3 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: XFR 3 NS 0 ``` Client disconnects from server. Client opens a connection to ``. ``` C: VER 4 MSNP10 MSNP9 CVR0 S: VER 4 MSNP10 C: CVR 5 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com S: CVR 5 6.1.0211 6.1.0211 6.1.0155 .. http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/C/83C4B2DB-AC1C-4B56-8144-4472C0982F21/SetupDl.exe .. http://messenger.msn.com C: USR 6 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: USR 6 TWN S passport=parameters,neat=huh,lc=1033,id=507 ``` *The HTTPS interlude is described in the [Passport 1.4](../services/passport14.md) article.* ``` C: USR 7 TWN S $(pp14response.headers.authenticationInfo["from-PP"]) S: USR 7 OK example@hotmail.com 1 0 S: MSG Hotmail Hotmail 465 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8 LoginTime: 1726321960 EmailEnabled: 1 MemberIdHigh: 1 MemberIdLow: 2 lang_preference: 1033 PreferredEmail: example@hotmail.com country: US PostalCode: Gender: Kid: 0 Age: BDayPre: Birthday: Wallet: Flags: 1027 sid: 507 kv: 11 MSPAuth: whatever+t+is+in+your+passport+login+ticket+that+you+sent+for+USR+TWN+S$ ClientIP: ClientPort: 18183 ABCHMigrated: 0 C: SYN 8 15 0 S: SYN 8 16 0 1 1 S: GTC A S: BLP AL S: PRP MFN example%20user S: PRP PHH 123%20(4567) S: LSG Other%20Contacts 0 S: LST N=anotheruser@hotmail.com F=another%20user C=anotheruser@hotmail.com 11 0 S: BPR PHH 1%20(222)%20333%204444 C: CHG 9 NLN S: CHG 9 NLN S: OUT MIG ``` Server disconnects client. Client opens a connection to `` (from stored server). ``` C: VER 10 MSNP10 MSNP9 CVR0 S: VER 10 MSNP10 C: CVR 11 0x0409 winnt 5.1 i386 MSNMSGR 6.0.0602 MSMSGS example@hotmail.com S: CVR 11 6.1.0211 6.1.0211 6.1.0155 .. http://download.microsoft.com/download/8/3/C/83C4B2DB-AC1C-4B56-8144-4472C0982F21/SetupDl.exe .. http://messenger.msn.com C: USR 12 TWN I example@hotmail.com S: USR 12 TWN S passport=parameters,neat=huh,lc=1033,id=507 C: USR 13 TWN S $(pp14response.headers.authenticationInfo["from-PP"]) S: USR 13 OK example@hotmail.com 1 0 S: MSG Hotmail Hotmail 465 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/x-msmsgsprofile; charset=UTF-8 LoginTime: 1726321960 EmailEnabled: 1 MemberIdHigh: 1 MemberIdLow: 2 lang_preference: 1033 PreferredEmail: example@hotmail.com country: US PostalCode: Gender: Kid: 0 Age: BDayPre: Birthday: Wallet: Flags: 1027 sid: 507 kv: 11 MSPAuth: whatever+t+is+in+your+passport+login+ticket+that+you+sent+for+USR+TWN+S$ ClientIP: ClientPort: 18183 ABCHMigrated: 1 C: SYN 14 0 0 S: SYN 14 2024-09-28T17:18:18.6400000-07:00 2024-09-28T17:18:18.6400000-07:00 1 1 S: GTC A S: BLP AL S: PRP MFN example%20user S: PRP PHH 123%20(4567) S: LSG Other%20Contacts d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042 S: LST N=anotheruser@hotmail.com F=another%20user C=c1f9a363-4ee9-4a33-a434-b056a4c55b98 11 d6deeacd-7849-4de4-93c5-d130915d0042 S: BPR PHH 1%20(222)%20333%204444 C: CHG 15 NLN S: CHG 15 NLN C: OUT ``` Client disconnects from server. ``` S: OUT ``` Server disconnects client.