# Introduction `ABFindAll` is one of the SOAP actions the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) provides. Returns the full list of contacts in the Forward List (FL). For retrieving information about other lists, read the [`FindMembership`](../sharingservice/findmembership.md) article. # Client/Request The template used in this action is described on the [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) main page. ## ABFindAll This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns`: Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. ### abId This element contains your [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) GUID. ### abView Always set to `Full`. ### deltasOnly If set to `true`, the `` value is compared against the server to only provide the updates since the timestamp provided. ### lastChange This is a ISO 8601 timestamp which denotes the last time you retrieved the Forward List (FL), comes from the response's `` element inside the `` element. # Server/Response ## ABFindAllResponse This element has only one attribute: * `xmlns`: Is always set to `http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook`. This element only contains the `` element. ### ABFindAllResult #### groups This element contains any amount of `` elements. ##### Group This element contains five children: * ``: The group's GUID. * ``: Described [below](#groupinfo). * ``: Contains a space delimited list of changed elements in ``: * `GroupName` * ``: Is this group deleted? (`true` or `false`). * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time this group was last modified. ###### groupInfo This element contains six children: * ``: This element contains multiple `` elements. * ``: Only known to be set to `c8529ce2-6ead-434d-881f-341e17db3ff8`. * ``: The group's name * ``: If this is set to `true`, this group is not shown to mobile clients. Otherwise, it is set to `false`. * ``: If this is set to `true`, this group is private. Otherwise, it is set to `false`. * ``: If this is set to `true`, this group is the Favorites group. Otherwise, it is set to `false`. `` elements contain two children: * ``: The key of this annotation: * `MSN.IM.Display`: Is this group shown to the Official Client? (`1` or `0`) * ``: The value of this annotation. #### contacts This element contains any amount of `` elements. ##### Contact This element contains five children: * ``: The GUID of this contact. * ``: Contains a space delimited list of changed elements in ``: * `DisplayName` * `IsMessengerUser` * `ContactFirstName` * `ContactLastName` * `Comment` * `MiddleName` * `ContactPrimaryEmailType` * `ContactEmail` * `ContactLocation` * `ContactPhone` * `ContactWebSite` * `Annotation` * ``: Is this contact deleted? (`true` or `false`) * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time this contact was last modified. #### ab This element contains seven children: * ``: Your [Address Book Service](../abservice.md) GUID. * ``: Described [below](#abinfo). * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time a change was last made to the Address Book. * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time any dynamic item was last modified. * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time a "recent activity item" was last modified. * ``: The ISO 8601 timestamp of the time this Address Book was created. * ``: Contains a space delimited list of changed elements in an unknown location. ##### abInfo This element contains ten children: * ``: This is always `0`. * ``: Your Common ID, an signed 64-bit integer. * ``: Your user handle. * ``: unknown (`true` or `false`) * ``: unknown (`true` or `false`) * ``: Is this account provisioned? (`true` or `false`) * ``: Is this a children's account? (`true` or `false`) * ``: unknown (`true` or `false`) * ``: unknown (`true` or `false`) * ``: Is always set to `Individual`. # Examples ## Client/Request ``` POST /abservice/abservice.asmx HTTP/1.1 SOAPAction: http://www.msn.com/webservices/AddressBook/ABFindAll Cache-Control: no-cache Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 1128 996CDE1E-AA53-4477-B943-2BE802EA6166 false ContactSave false t=ticket&p=profile 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Full false 0001-01-01T00:00:00.0000000-08:00 ``` ## Server/Response ``` HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8 Content-Length: 6684 12.01.1111.0000 12r1;MjAyNC0xMS0yMFQxMToyMDoyNy43MTVa true contacts.example.com ecfaf8c7-e388-4571-8641-b061a0ac4bdc f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329 MSN.IM.Display c8529ce2-6ead-434d-881f-341e17db3ff8 Friends false false false c1f9a363-4ee9-4a33-a434-b056a4c55b98 Regular anotheruser anotheruser@hotmail.com false another user 0 f60efbe7-94af-4b16-b926-e4e10878d329 4388220788362762 false false true false false false NoDevice 0001-01-01T00:00:00 ContactEmailPersonal ContactLocationPersonal ContactPhonePersonal false Unspecified None false 2024-11-20T11:43:00.1230000-08:00 a47e39cf-312c-4100-94a6-f2b33adf5b68 ContactPhoneMobile 15551111222 true Regular john false john 0 0 false true false false false false NoDevice 0001-01-01T00:00:00 ContactEmailPersonal ContactLocationPersonal ContactPhoneMobile false Unspecified None false 2024-11-20T11:44:40.4560000-08:00 c867a811-089f-4c4c-a601-e983881f003a MSN.IM.MBEA 0 MSN.IM.GTC 1 MSN.IM.BLP 1 ContactPhonePersonal 123 (4567) Me Q example@hotmail.com false example user 0 4294967298 false false false false false false NoDevice 0001-01-01T00:00:00 ContactEmailPersonalContactLocationPersonal ContactPhonePersonal false Unspecified None false 2024-11-20T11:26:00.4180000-08:00 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 0 4294967298 example@hotmail.com true false false false false false Individual 2024-11-20T11:26:00.4180000-08:00 0001-01-01T00:00:00 2024-10-10T20:38:51.0000000-08:00 ```