i have basically touched every file help
* Moved all the error code stuff to one new sectional page, because the old way of doing it sucked big time.
* Rename passport (soap) to RST
* Formatting changes (many)
* Several corrections
* change git host because git.kevinthe.horse seems Dead
upgrade yiki, slugs now work better, but not in URLs (i forgot)
0 Commands Left. Time for that parity check.
Add a license too.
Bump version to 0.1.0.
Added new section to Protocols (half done with it though): Changes to error codes, to ask "When did that error code get implemented and when did it get removed" Probably could be made better, eh.
5 Commands Remain.
New change record, too.
information for MSNP4 found: adds the client codebase parameter to SND and CVR (and an empty to CVQ, but that lasted all the way to MSNP7 lol, does that for MSNP3 fallback too which is kind of funny)
18 commands left.
* fixed a bunch of formatting
* changed the default list version to 255, if it increases to 256 it means it changed
* fixed a bunch of muscle memory mishaps
* Clean-up some missing "fill this in once information is available's
the relevant strings exist in 3.6.003x, but are they actually used? in MSNP7+ clients they are, but i'm wondering about MSNP6 exclusively here.
Information also needed: What shows the "Account needs to be verified before using the service" dialog? it's not 924, it's not implemented.
Updated main page with requests for this information.