2024-09-30 05:50:59 -04:00

204 lines
5.8 KiB

use std::fmt;
// type of a guac message
pub type Elements = Vec<String>;
// FIXME: thiserror, please.
/// Errors during decoding
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
pub enum DecodeError {
/// Invalid guacamole instruction format
/// Instruction is too long for the current decode policy.
/// Element is too long for the current decode policy.
/// Invalid element size.
pub type DecodeResult<T> = std::result::Result<T, DecodeError>;
impl fmt::Display for DecodeError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
Self::InvalidFormat => write!(f, "Invalid Guacamole instruction while decoding"),
Self::InstructionTooLong => write!(f, "Instruction too long for current decode policy"),
Self::ElementTooLong => write!(f, "Element too long for current decode policy"),
Self::ElementSizeInvalid => write!(f, "Element size is invalid"),
impl std::error::Error for DecodeError {}
/// A decoder with a given maximum instruction/element size pair.
pub struct ConfigurableDecoder<const MAX_INST_SIZE: usize, const MAX_ELEM_SIZE: usize>();
impl<const MAX_INST_SIZE: usize, const MAX_ELEM_SIZE: usize>
ConfigurableDecoder<MAX_INST_SIZE, MAX_ELEM_SIZE>
fn max_instruction_size() -> usize {
fn max_element_size() -> usize {
/// Decodes a Guacamole instruction to individual elements
pub fn decode(element_string: &String) -> DecodeResult<Elements> {
let mut vec: Elements = Vec::new();
let mut current_position: usize = 0;
// Instruction is too long. Don't even bother
if Self::max_instruction_size() < element_string.len() {
return Err(DecodeError::InstructionTooLong);
let chars = element_string.chars().collect::<Vec<_>>();
loop {
let mut element_size: usize = 0;
// Scan the integer value in by hand. This is mostly because
// I'm stupid, and the Rust integer parsing routines (seemingly)
// require a substring (or a slice, but, if you can generate a slice,
// you can also just scan the value in by hand.)
// We bound this anyways and do quite the checks, so even though it's not great,
// it should be generally fine (TM).
loop {
let c = chars[current_position];
if c >= '0' && c <= '9' {
element_size = element_size * 10 + (c as usize) - ('0' as usize);
} else {
if c == '.' {
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidFormat);
current_position += 1;
// Eat the '.' seperating the size and the element data;
// our integer scanning ensures we only get here in the case that this is actually the '.'
// character.
current_position += 1;
// Make sure the element size doesn't overflow the decode policy
// or the size of the whole instruction.
if element_size >= Self::max_element_size() {
return Err(DecodeError::ElementTooLong);
if element_size >= element_string.len() {
return Err(DecodeError::ElementSizeInvalid);
// cutoff elements or something
if current_position + element_size > chars.len() - 1 {
//println!("? {current_position} a {}", chars.len());
return Err(DecodeError::InvalidFormat);
let element = chars
current_position += element_size;
// make sure seperator is proper
match chars[current_position] {
',' => {}
';' => break,
_ => return Err(DecodeError::InvalidFormat),
// eat the ','
current_position += 1;
pub struct Encoder();
impl Encoder {
/// Encodes elements into a Guacamole instruction
pub fn encode(elements: &Elements) -> String {
let mut str = String::new();
for elem in elements.iter() {
str.push_str(&format!("{}.{},", elem.len(), elem));
// hacky, but whatever
// FIXME: piecemeal api. We can use a string or something
/// The default decoder.
/// Allows a 2MB max message, with a 1 MB max element size.
pub type Decoder = ConfigurableDecoder<
// prev was 12288, 4096
// which is ~12kb, 4kb max
{ 2 * (1024 * 1024) },
{ 1024 * 1024 },
mod tests {
use super::*;
fn decode_basic() {
let test = String::from("7.connect,3.vm1;");
let res = Decoder::decode(&test);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec!["connect", "vm1"]);
fn decode_errors() {
let test = String::from("700.connect,3.vm1;");
let res = Decoder::decode(&test);
eprintln!("Error for: {}", res.clone().unwrap_err());
// generally just test that the codec even works
// (we can decode a instruction we created)
fn general_codec_works() {
let vec = vec![String::from("connect"), String::from("vm1")];
let test = Encoder::encode(&vec);
assert_eq!(test, "7.connect,3.vm1;");
let res = Decoder::decode(&test);
assert_eq!(res.unwrap(), vec);