Rather confusingly, it seems like they wanted to make this backwards compatible. In practice, due to the magic fourcc being written with a different endian, it's not really. (OK well the header is the same but you get my point)
Also, for some reason, they decided to I guess jumble format types around. Thanks guys.
This completely redoes the garbage flags stuff I did before. OOPS. This seems a lot closer to the format, and also exports everything Starfighter has properly.
libpixel (suprisingly) still compiles, but depends on libraries in a very annoying manner that makes EuropaTools hard to compile. Also, I don't like stb_image_write.
Replace it with some hand-done structs and the simpler/faster/better `lodepng`.
................. fuck
This really needs to be cleaned up before I'm willing to call it "good" but ultimately the API changes here needed to be done anyhow