
435 lines
16 KiB

// Copyright 2021 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include "shader_recompiler/backend/bindings.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/backend/glsl/emit_context.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/frontend/ir/program.h"
#include "shader_recompiler/profile.h"
namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL {
namespace {
std::string_view InterpDecorator(Interpolation interp) {
switch (interp) {
case Interpolation::Smooth:
return "";
case Interpolation::Flat:
return "flat";
case Interpolation::NoPerspective:
return "noperspective";
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid interpolation {}", interp);
std::string_view InputArrayDecorator(Stage stage) {
switch (stage) {
case Stage::Geometry:
case Stage::TessellationControl:
case Stage::TessellationEval:
return "[]";
return "";
bool StoresPerVertexAttributes(Stage stage) {
switch (stage) {
case Stage::VertexA:
case Stage::VertexB:
case Stage::Geometry:
case Stage::TessellationEval:
return true;
return false;
std::string OutputDecorator(Stage stage, u32 size) {
switch (stage) {
case Stage::TessellationControl:
return fmt::format("[{}]", size);
return "";
std::string_view SamplerType(TextureType type, bool is_depth) {
if (is_depth) {
switch (type) {
case TextureType::Color1D:
return "sampler1DShadow";
case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
return "sampler1DArrayShadow";
case TextureType::Color2D:
return "sampler2DShadow";
case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
return "sampler2DArrayShadow";
case TextureType::ColorCube:
return "samplerCubeShadow";
case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
return "samplerCubeArrayShadow";
fmt::print("Texture type: {}", type);
throw NotImplementedException("Texture type: {}", type);
switch (type) {
case TextureType::Color1D:
return "sampler1D";
case TextureType::ColorArray1D:
return "sampler1DArray";
case TextureType::Color2D:
return "sampler2D";
case TextureType::ColorArray2D:
return "sampler2DArray";
case TextureType::Color3D:
return "sampler3D";
case TextureType::ColorCube:
return "samplerCube";
case TextureType::ColorArrayCube:
return "samplerCubeArray";
case TextureType::Buffer:
return "samplerBuffer";
fmt::print("Texture type: {}", type);
throw NotImplementedException("Texture type: {}", type);
std::string_view GetTessMode(TessPrimitive primitive) {
switch (primitive) {
case TessPrimitive::Triangles:
return "triangles";
case TessPrimitive::Quads:
return "quads";
case TessPrimitive::Isolines:
return "isolines";
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation primitive {}", primitive);
std::string_view GetTessSpacing(TessSpacing spacing) {
switch (spacing) {
case TessSpacing::Equal:
return "equal_spacing";
case TessSpacing::FractionalOdd:
return "fractional_odd_spacing";
case TessSpacing::FractionalEven:
return "fractional_even_spacing";
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid tessellation spacing {}", spacing);
std::string_view InputPrimitive(InputTopology topology) {
switch (topology) {
case InputTopology::Points:
return "points";
case InputTopology::Lines:
return "lines";
case InputTopology::LinesAdjacency:
return "lines_adjacency";
case InputTopology::Triangles:
return "triangles";
case InputTopology::TrianglesAdjacency:
return "triangles_adjacency";
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid input topology {}", topology);
std::string_view OutputPrimitive(OutputTopology topology) {
switch (topology) {
case OutputTopology::PointList:
return "points";
case OutputTopology::LineStrip:
return "line_strip";
case OutputTopology::TriangleStrip:
return "triangle_strip";
throw InvalidArgument("Invalid output topology {}", topology);
void SetupOutPerVertex(EmitContext& ctx, std::string& header) {
if (!StoresPerVertexAttributes(ctx.stage)) {
header += "out gl_PerVertex{";
header += "vec4 gl_Position;";
if (ctx.info.stores_point_size) {
header += "float gl_PointSize;";
if (ctx.info.stores_clip_distance) {
header += "float gl_ClipDistance[];";
if (ctx.info.stores_viewport_index && ctx.supports_viewport_layer &&
ctx.stage != Stage::Geometry) {
header += "int gl_ViewportIndex;";
header += "};\n";
if (ctx.info.stores_viewport_index && ctx.stage == Stage::Geometry) {
header += "out int gl_ViewportIndex;";
} // namespace
EmitContext::EmitContext(IR::Program& program, Bindings& bindings, const Profile& profile_,
const RuntimeInfo& runtime_info_)
: info{program.info}, profile{profile_}, runtime_info{runtime_info_} {
supports_viewport_layer = profile.support_gl_vertex_viewport_layer;
stage = program.stage;
switch (program.stage) {
case Stage::VertexA:
case Stage::VertexB:
stage_name = "vs";
case Stage::TessellationControl:
stage_name = "tsc";
header += fmt::format("layout(vertices={})out;\n", program.invocations);
case Stage::TessellationEval:
stage_name = "tse";
header += fmt::format("layout({},{},{})in;\n", GetTessMode(runtime_info.tess_primitive),
runtime_info.tess_clockwise ? "cw" : "ccw");
case Stage::Geometry:
stage_name = "gs";
header += fmt::format("layout({})in;layout({},max_vertices={})out;\n",
OutputPrimitive(program.output_topology), program.output_vertices);
case Stage::Fragment:
stage_name = "fs";
case Stage::Compute:
stage_name = "cs";
header += fmt::format("layout(local_size_x={},local_size_y={},local_size_z={}) in;\n",
program.workgroup_size[0], program.workgroup_size[1],
SetupOutPerVertex(*this, header);
for (size_t index = 0; index < info.input_generics.size(); ++index) {
const auto& generic{info.input_generics[index]};
if (generic.used) {
header += fmt::format("layout(location={}){} in vec4 in_attr{}{};", index,
InterpDecorator(generic.interpolation), index,
for (size_t index = 0; index < info.uses_patches.size(); ++index) {
if (!info.uses_patches[index]) {
if (stage == Stage::TessellationControl) {
header += fmt::format("layout(location={})patch out vec4 patch{};", index, index);
} else {
header += fmt::format("layout(location={})patch in vec4 patch{};", index, index);
for (size_t index = 0; index < info.stores_frag_color.size(); ++index) {
if (!info.stores_frag_color[index]) {
header += fmt::format("layout(location={})out vec4 frag_color{};", index, index);
for (size_t index = 0; index < info.stores_generics.size(); ++index) {
// TODO: Properly resolve attribute issues
if (info.stores_generics[index] || stage == Stage::VertexA || stage == Stage::VertexB) {
DefineGenericOutput(index, program.invocations);
header += "\n";
void EmitContext::SetupExtensions(std::string&) {
// TODO: track this usage
header += "#extension GL_ARB_sparse_texture2 : enable\n";
header += "#extension GL_EXT_texture_shadow_lod : enable\n";
if (info.uses_int64) {
header += "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable\n";
if (info.uses_int64_bit_atomics) {
header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_int64 : enable\n";
if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
header += "#extension GL_NV_shader_atomic_float : enable\n";
if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min || info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
header += "#extension NV_shader_atomic_fp16_vector : enable\n";
if (info.uses_fp16) {
if (profile.support_gl_nv_gpu_shader_5) {
header += "#extension GL_NV_gpu_shader5 : enable\n";
if (profile.support_gl_amd_gpu_shader_half_float) {
header += "#extension GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float : enable\n";
if (info.uses_subgroup_invocation_id || info.uses_subgroup_mask || info.uses_subgroup_vote ||
info.uses_subgroup_shuffles || info.uses_fswzadd) {
header += "#extension GL_ARB_shader_ballot : enable\n";
header += "#extension GL_ARB_shader_group_vote : enable\n";
if (!info.uses_int64) {
header += "#extension GL_ARB_gpu_shader_int64 : enable\n";
if (info.stores_viewport_index && supports_viewport_layer && stage != Stage::Geometry) {
header += "#extension GL_ARB_shader_viewport_layer_array : enable\n";
void EmitContext::DefineConstantBuffers(Bindings& bindings) {
if (info.constant_buffer_descriptors.empty()) {
for (const auto& desc : info.constant_buffer_descriptors) {
header += fmt::format(
"layout(std140,binding={}) uniform {}_cbuf_{}{{vec4 {}_cbuf{}[{}];}};",
bindings.uniform_buffer, stage_name, desc.index, stage_name, desc.index, 4 * 1024);
bindings.uniform_buffer += desc.count;
void EmitContext::DefineStorageBuffers(Bindings& bindings) {
if (info.storage_buffers_descriptors.empty()) {
u32 index{};
for (const auto& desc : info.storage_buffers_descriptors) {
header += fmt::format("layout(std430,binding={}) buffer {}_ssbo_{}{{uint {}_ssbo{}[];}};",
bindings.storage_buffer, stage_name, bindings.storage_buffer,
stage_name, index);
bindings.storage_buffer += desc.count;
index += desc.count;
void EmitContext::DefineGenericOutput(size_t index, u32 invocations) {
static constexpr std::string_view swizzle{"xyzw"};
const size_t base_index{static_cast<size_t>(IR::Attribute::Generic0X) + index * 4};
u32 element{0};
while (element < 4) {
std::string definition{fmt::format("layout(location={}", index)};
const u32 remainder{4 - element};
const TransformFeedbackVarying* xfb_varying{};
if (!runtime_info.xfb_varyings.empty()) {
xfb_varying = &runtime_info.xfb_varyings[base_index + element];
xfb_varying = xfb_varying && xfb_varying->components > 0 ? xfb_varying : nullptr;
const u32 num_components{xfb_varying ? xfb_varying->components : remainder};
if (element > 0) {
definition += fmt::format(",component={}", element);
if (xfb_varying) {
definition +=
fmt::format(",xfb_buffer={},xfb_stride={},xfb_offset={}", xfb_varying->buffer,
xfb_varying->stride, xfb_varying->offset);
std::string name{fmt::format("out_attr{}", index)};
if (num_components < 4 || element > 0) {
name += fmt::format("_{}", swizzle.substr(element, num_components));
const auto type{num_components == 1 ? "float" : fmt::format("vec{}", num_components)};
definition += fmt::format(")out {} {}{};", type, name, OutputDecorator(stage, invocations));
header += definition;
const GenericElementInfo element_info{
.name = name,
.first_element = element,
.num_components = num_components,
std::fill_n(output_generics[index].begin() + element, num_components, element_info);
element += num_components;
header += "\n";
void EmitContext::DefineHelperFunctions() {
if (info.uses_global_increment || info.uses_shared_increment) {
header += "uint CasIncrement(uint op_a,uint op_b){return(op_a>=op_b)?0u:(op_a+1u);}\n";
if (info.uses_global_decrement || info.uses_shared_decrement) {
header += "uint CasDecrement(uint op_a,uint "
if (info.uses_atomic_f32_add) {
header += "uint CasFloatAdd(uint op_a,float op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_add) {
header += "uint CasFloatAdd32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_min) {
header += "uint CasFloatMin32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f32x2_max) {
header += "uint CasFloatMax32x2(uint op_a,vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_add) {
header += "uint CasFloatAdd16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_min) {
header += "uint CasFloatMin16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_f16x2_max) {
header += "uint CasFloatMax16x2(uint op_a,f16vec2 op_b){return "
if (info.uses_atomic_s32_min) {
header += "uint CasMinS32(uint op_a,uint op_b){return uint(min(int(op_a),int(op_b)));}";
if (info.uses_atomic_s32_max) {
header += "uint CasMaxS32(uint op_a,uint op_b){return uint(max(int(op_a),int(op_b)));}";
void EmitContext::SetupImages(Bindings& bindings) {
for (const auto& desc : info.image_buffer_descriptors) {
throw NotImplementedException("image_buffer_descriptors");
bindings.image += desc.count;
for (const auto& desc : info.image_descriptors) {
throw NotImplementedException("image_bindings");
bindings.image += desc.count;
for (const auto& desc : info.texture_buffer_descriptors) {
const auto sampler_type{SamplerType(TextureType::Buffer, false)};
const auto indices{bindings.texture + desc.count};
for (u32 index = bindings.texture; index < indices; ++index) {
header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}) uniform {} tex{};", bindings.texture,
sampler_type, index);
bindings.texture += desc.count;
for (const auto& desc : info.texture_descriptors) {
const auto sampler_type{SamplerType(desc.type, desc.is_depth)};
const auto indices{bindings.texture + desc.count};
for (u32 index = bindings.texture; index < indices; ++index) {
header += fmt::format("layout(binding={}) uniform {} tex{};", bindings.texture,
sampler_type, index);
bindings.texture += desc.count;
} // namespace Shader::Backend::GLSL