Kelebek1 0857d6a3db Decouple audio processing and run at variable rate
Currently, processing of audio samples is called from AudioRenderer's Update method, using a fixed 4 buffers to process the given samples. Games call Update at variable rates, depending on framerate and/or sample count, which causes inconsistency in audio processing. From what I've seen, 60 FPS games update every ~0.004s, but 30 FPS/160 sample games update somewhere between 0.02 and 0.04, 5-10x slower. Not enough samples get fed to the backend, leading to a lot of audio skipping.

This PR seeks to address this by de-coupling the audio consumption and the audio update. Update remains the same without calling for buffer queuing, and the consume now schedules itself to run based on the sample rate and count.
2021-06-27 15:58:07 +01:00

353 lines
15 KiB

// Copyright 2018 yuzu Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <limits>
#include <vector>
#include "audio_core/audio_out.h"
#include "audio_core/audio_renderer.h"
#include "audio_core/common.h"
#include "audio_core/info_updater.h"
#include "audio_core/voice_context.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "common/settings.h"
#include "core/core_timing.h"
#include "core/memory.h"
namespace {
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr s16 ClampToS16(s32 value) {
return static_cast<s16>(std::clamp(value, s32{std::numeric_limits<s16>::min()},
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr s16 Mix2To1(s16 l_channel, s16 r_channel) {
// Mix 50% from left and 50% from right channel
constexpr float l_mix_amount = 50.0f / 100.0f;
constexpr float r_mix_amount = 50.0f / 100.0f;
return ClampToS16(static_cast<s32>((static_cast<float>(l_channel) * l_mix_amount) +
(static_cast<float>(r_channel) * r_mix_amount)));
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::tuple<s16, s16> Mix6To2(s16 fl_channel, s16 fr_channel,
s16 fc_channel,
[[maybe_unused]] s16 lf_channel,
s16 bl_channel, s16 br_channel) {
// Front channels are mixed 36.94%, Center channels are mixed to be 26.12% & the back channels
// are mixed to be 36.94%
constexpr float front_mix_amount = 36.94f / 100.0f;
constexpr float center_mix_amount = 26.12f / 100.0f;
constexpr float back_mix_amount = 36.94f / 100.0f;
// Mix 50% from left and 50% from right channel
const auto left = front_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(fl_channel) +
center_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(fc_channel) +
back_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(bl_channel);
const auto right = front_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(fr_channel) +
center_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(fc_channel) +
back_mix_amount * static_cast<float>(br_channel);
return {ClampToS16(static_cast<s32>(left)), ClampToS16(static_cast<s32>(right))};
[[nodiscard]] static constexpr std::tuple<s16, s16> Mix6To2WithCoefficients(
s16 fl_channel, s16 fr_channel, s16 fc_channel, s16 lf_channel, s16 bl_channel, s16 br_channel,
const std::array<float_le, 4>& coeff) {
const auto left =
static_cast<float>(fl_channel) * coeff[0] + static_cast<float>(fc_channel) * coeff[1] +
static_cast<float>(lf_channel) * coeff[2] + static_cast<float>(bl_channel) * coeff[0];
const auto right =
static_cast<float>(fr_channel) * coeff[0] + static_cast<float>(fc_channel) * coeff[1] +
static_cast<float>(lf_channel) * coeff[2] + static_cast<float>(br_channel) * coeff[0];
return {ClampToS16(static_cast<s32>(left)), ClampToS16(static_cast<s32>(right))};
} // namespace
namespace AudioCore {
constexpr s32 NUM_BUFFERS = 2;
AudioRenderer::AudioRenderer(Core::Timing::CoreTiming& core_timing_, Core::Memory::Memory& memory_,
AudioCommon::AudioRendererParameter params,
Stream::ReleaseCallback&& release_callback,
std::size_t instance_number)
: worker_params{params}, memory_pool_info(params.effect_count + params.voice_count * 4),
voice_context(params.voice_count), effect_context(params.effect_count), mix_context(),
sink_context(params.sink_count), splitter_context(),
voices(params.voice_count), memory{memory_},
command_generator(worker_params, voice_context, mix_context, splitter_context, effect_context,
core_timing{core_timing_} {
splitter_context.Initialize(behavior_info, params.splitter_count,
mix_context.Initialize(behavior_info, params.submix_count + 1, params.effect_count);
audio_out = std::make_unique<AudioCore::AudioOut>();
stream = audio_out->OpenStream(
core_timing, params.sample_rate, AudioCommon::STREAM_NUM_CHANNELS,
fmt::format("AudioRenderer-Instance{}", instance_number), std::move(release_callback));
process_event = Core::Timing::CreateEvent(
fmt::format("AudioRenderer-Instance{}-Process", instance_number),
[this](std::uintptr_t, std::chrono::nanoseconds) { ReleaseAndQueueBuffers(); });
for (s32 i = 0; i < NUM_BUFFERS; ++i) {
AudioRenderer::~AudioRenderer() = default;
ResultCode AudioRenderer::Start() {
return ResultSuccess;
ResultCode AudioRenderer::Stop() {
return ResultSuccess;
u32 AudioRenderer::GetSampleRate() const {
return worker_params.sample_rate;
u32 AudioRenderer::GetSampleCount() const {
return worker_params.sample_count;
u32 AudioRenderer::GetMixBufferCount() const {
return worker_params.mix_buffer_count;
Stream::State AudioRenderer::GetStreamState() const {
return stream->GetState();
ResultCode AudioRenderer::UpdateAudioRenderer(const std::vector<u8>& input_params,
std::vector<u8>& output_params) {
std::scoped_lock lock{mutex};
InfoUpdater info_updater{input_params, output_params, behavior_info};
if (!info_updater.UpdateBehaviorInfo(behavior_info)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update behavior info input parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (!info_updater.UpdateMemoryPools(memory_pool_info)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update memory pool parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (!info_updater.UpdateVoiceChannelResources(voice_context)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update voice channel resource parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (!info_updater.UpdateVoices(voice_context, memory_pool_info, 0)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update voice parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
// TODO(ogniK): Deal with stopped audio renderer but updates still taking place
if (!info_updater.UpdateEffects(effect_context, true)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update effect parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (behavior_info.IsSplitterSupported()) {
if (!info_updater.UpdateSplitterInfo(splitter_context)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update splitter parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
const auto mix_result = info_updater.UpdateMixes(
mix_context, worker_params.mix_buffer_count, splitter_context, effect_context);
if (mix_result.IsError()) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update mix parameters");
return mix_result;
// TODO(ogniK): Sinks
if (!info_updater.UpdateSinks(sink_context)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update sink parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
// TODO(ogniK): Performance buffer
if (!info_updater.UpdatePerformanceBuffer()) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update performance buffer parameters");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (!info_updater.UpdateErrorInfo(behavior_info)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update error info");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
if (behavior_info.IsElapsedFrameCountSupported()) {
if (!info_updater.UpdateRendererInfo(elapsed_frame_count)) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to update renderer info");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
// TODO(ogniK): Statistics
if (!info_updater.WriteOutputHeader()) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Failed to write output header");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
// TODO(ogniK): Check when all sections are implemented
if (!info_updater.CheckConsumedSize()) {
LOG_ERROR(Audio, "Audio buffers were not consumed!");
return AudioCommon::Audren::ERR_INVALID_PARAMETERS;
return ResultSuccess;
void AudioRenderer::QueueMixedBuffer(Buffer::Tag tag) {
// Clear mix buffers before our next operation
// If the splitter is not in use, sort our mixes
if (!splitter_context.UsingSplitter()) {
// Sort our voices
// Handle samples
// Base sample size
std::size_t BUFFER_SIZE{worker_params.sample_count};
// Samples
std::vector<s16> buffer(BUFFER_SIZE * stream->GetNumChannels());
// Make sure to clear our samples
std::memset(buffer.data(), 0, buffer.size() * sizeof(s16));
if (sink_context.InUse()) {
const auto stream_channel_count = stream->GetNumChannels();
const auto buffer_offsets = sink_context.OutputBuffers();
const auto channel_count = buffer_offsets.size();
const auto& final_mix = mix_context.GetFinalMixInfo();
const auto& in_params = final_mix.GetInParams();
std::vector<s32*> mix_buffers(channel_count);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < channel_count; i++) {
mix_buffers[i] =
command_generator.GetMixBuffer(in_params.buffer_offset + buffer_offsets[i]);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < BUFFER_SIZE; i++) {
if (channel_count == 1) {
const auto sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[0][i]);
// Place sample in all channels
for (u32 channel = 0; channel < stream_channel_count; channel++) {
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + channel] = sample;
if (stream_channel_count == 6) {
// Output stream has a LF channel, mute it!
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 3] = 0;
} else if (channel_count == 2) {
const auto l_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[0][i]);
const auto r_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[1][i]);
if (stream_channel_count == 1) {
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = Mix2To1(l_sample, r_sample);
} else if (stream_channel_count == 2) {
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = l_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 1] = r_sample;
} else if (stream_channel_count == 6) {
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = l_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 1] = r_sample;
// Combine both left and right channels to the center channel
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 2] = Mix2To1(l_sample, r_sample);
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 4] = l_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 5] = r_sample;
} else if (channel_count == 6) {
const auto fl_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[0][i]);
const auto fr_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[1][i]);
const auto fc_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[2][i]);
const auto lf_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[3][i]);
const auto bl_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[4][i]);
const auto br_sample = ClampToS16(mix_buffers[5][i]);
if (stream_channel_count == 1) {
// Games seem to ignore the center channel half the time, we use the front left
// and right channel for mixing as that's where majority of the audio goes
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = Mix2To1(fl_sample, fr_sample);
} else if (stream_channel_count == 2) {
// Mix all channels into 2 channels
if (sink_context.HasDownMixingCoefficients()) {
const auto [left, right] = Mix6To2WithCoefficients(
fl_sample, fr_sample, fc_sample, lf_sample, bl_sample, br_sample,
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = left;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 1] = right;
} else {
const auto [left, right] = Mix6To2(fl_sample, fr_sample, fc_sample,
lf_sample, bl_sample, br_sample);
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = left;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 1] = right;
} else if (stream_channel_count == 6) {
// Pass through
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 0] = fl_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 1] = fr_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 2] = fc_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 3] = lf_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 4] = bl_sample;
buffer[i * stream_channel_count + 5] = br_sample;
audio_out->QueueBuffer(stream, tag, std::move(buffer));
void AudioRenderer::ReleaseAndQueueBuffers() {
if (!stream->IsPlaying()) {
std::scoped_lock lock{mutex};
const auto released_buffers{audio_out->GetTagsAndReleaseBuffers(stream)};
for (const auto& tag : released_buffers) {
const f32 sample_rate = static_cast<f32>(GetSampleRate());
const f32 sample_count = static_cast<f32>(GetSampleCount());
const f32 consume_rate = sample_rate / (sample_count * (sample_count / 240));
const s32 ms = (1000 / static_cast<s32>(consume_rate)) - 1;
const std::chrono::milliseconds next_event_time(std::max(ms / NUM_BUFFERS, 1));
core_timing.ScheduleEvent(next_event_time, process_event, {});
} // namespace AudioCore