#!/bin/bash # 1. Make sure to start in directory /home/pi mount -o remount,rw / mkdir -p /home/pi mkdir -p /home/pi/aethersx2 cd /home/pi if [[ $(pwd) = "/home/pi" ]]; then echo "Working direcory ok!: $(pwd)" else echo "Something wrong with working directory, exiting script..." exit 1 fi # 2. 1nstall prerequesites and clone McAirpos repository SUCCESS=0 if [[ -d ./aethersx2 ]]; then echo "AetherSX2 repository already present, countinuing without downloading..." else echo "Fetching AetherSX2..." if [[ -f /usr/bin/wget ]]; then echo "Trying clone_Aethersx2..." if wget https://github.com/retropieuser/aethersx2/raw/refs/heads/main/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz; then tar -xzvf AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz -C /home/pi/aethersx2 if chmod +x /home/pi/aethersx2/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606/usr/bin/aethersx2; then SUCCESS=1 rm AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz fi rm AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz fi fi if [[ ! $SUCCESS = 1 ]] && [[ -f /bin/tar ]]; then echo "git failed, trying wget..." if wget https://github.com/retropieuser/aethersx2/raw/refs/heads/main/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz; then SUCCESS=1 elif wget https://github.com/retropieuser/aethersx2/raw/refs/heads/main/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz --no-check-certificate; then SUCCESS=1 fi if [[ $SUCCESS = 1 ]]; then tar -xzvf AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz -C /home/pi/aethersx2 rm -f AetherSX2-v1.5-3606.tar.gz fi fi if [[ ! $SUCCESS = 1 ]]; then echo "git, wget or tar missing or failed, exiting script..." exit 1 fi fi SUCCESS= # 3. Set up MakeCode Arcade files mv /home/pi/aethersx2/AetherSX2-v1.5-3606 /home/pi/aethersx2/AetherSX2 chmod -R 755 /home/pi/aethersx2/ chmod -R 755 /home/pi/aethersx2/AetherSX2 # 4. Set up EmulationStation # Delete old es_systems.cfg backup file if [[ -f /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg_AetherSX2.bak ]]; then rm -f /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg_AetherSX2.bak fi # Installation of EmulationStation system needed for McAirpos if [[ -f /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg ]]; then #Backup original es_systems.cfg file cp /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg_AetherSX2.bak # Appending updated MakeCode Arcade system from repository if grep -q "Pi 5" /proc/device-tree/model; then cd /home/pi/aethersx2/ wget cp /home/pi/aethersx2/es_systems_ps2.cfg /userdata/system/configs/emulationstation else echo "This script dose not support your system, exiting..." exit 1 fi # Add MakeCode Arcade carbon theme #cp -r /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/Batocera34/art /etc/emulationstation/themes/es-theme-carbon/ #cp -r /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/Batocera34/makecode /etc/emulationstation/themes/es-theme-carbon/ #cp /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/MakeCode/MakeCode_Arcade.png /etc/emulationstation/themes/es-theme-carbon/art/consoles/makecode.png else echo "Couldn't find the file /etc/emulationstation/es_systems.cfg, continuing script without..." fi # 5. Create MakeCode Arcade games folder for Batocera, if not present if [[ -d /userdata/roms/ps2 ]]; then echo "The PS2 games is folder already present, continuing..." else mkdir -p /userdata/roms/ps2 mkdir -p /userdata/bios/ps2 chmod -R 755 /userdata/roms/ps2 chmod -R 755 /userdata/bios/ps2 fi # 6. Make a config mkdir -p /home/pi/.config mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/aethersx2 mkdir -p /home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis chmod -R 755 /home/pi/.config chmod -R 755 /home/pi/.config/aethersx2 chmod -R 755 /home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis if [[ ! -f "/home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis/PCSX2.ini" ]]; then cat >"/home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis/PCSX2.ini" <<_EOF_ [UI] SettingsVersion = 1 InhibitScreensaver = true ConfirmShutdown = false StartPaused = false PauseOnFocusLoss = false StartFullscreen = true DoubleClickTogglesFullscreen = true HideMouseCursor = false RenderToSeparateWindow = false HideMainWindowWhenRunning = false DisableWindowResize = false Theme = darkfusion DisplayWindowGeometry = AdnQywADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB38AAAQ3AAAABAAAABQAAAd7AAAEMwAAAAAAAAAAB4AAAAAEAAAAFAAAB3sAAAQz MainWindowGeometry = AdnQywADAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB38AAAQ3AAAABAAAABQAAAd7AAAEMwAAAAAAAAAAB4AAAAAEAAAAFAAAB3sAAAQz MainWindowState = AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAAAAB3gAAAP3AAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAOAHQAbwBvAGwAQgBhAHIAAAAAAP////8AAAAAAAAAAA== [Folders] Bios = ../../../../../../home/$user/RetroPie/BIOS/ps2 Snapshots = snaps Savestates = sstates MemoryCards = memcards Logs = logs Cheats = cheats CheatsWS = cheats_ws CheatsNI = cheats_ni Cache = cache Textures = textures InputProfiles = inputprofiles [EmuCore] CdvdVerboseReads = false CdvdDumpBlocks = false CdvdShareWrite = false EnablePatches = true EnableCheats = false EnablePINE = false EnableWideScreenPatches = false EnableNoInterlacingPatches = false EnableRecordingTools = true EnableGameFixes = true SaveStateOnShutdown = false EnableDiscordPresence = false InhibitScreensaver = true ConsoleToStdio = false HostFs = false BackupSavestate = true SavestateZstdCompression = true McdEnableEjection = true McdFolderAutoManage = true WarnAboutUnsafeSettings = true BlockDumpSaveDirectory = EnableFastBoot = true [EmuCore/Speedhacks] EECycleRate = 0 EECycleSkip = 0 fastCDVD = false IntcStat = true WaitLoop = true vuFlagHack = true vuThread = true vu1Instant = true [EmuCore/CPU] FPU.DenormalsAreZero = true FPU.FlushToZero = true FPU.Roundmode = 3 AffinityControlMode = 0 VU.DenormalsAreZero = true VU.FlushToZero = true VU.Roundmode = 3 [EmuCore/CPU/Recompiler] EnableEE = true EnableIOP = true EnableEECache = false EnableVU0 = true EnableVU1 = true EnableFastmem = true vuOverflow = true vuExtraOverflow = false vuSignOverflow = false vuUnderflow = false fpuOverflow = true fpuExtraOverflow = false fpuFullMode = false fpuCorrectAddSub = true [EmuCore/GS] VsyncQueueSize = 2 FrameLimitEnable = true VsyncEnable = 0 FramerateNTSC = 59.94 FrameratePAL = 50 SyncToHostRefreshRate = false AspectRatio = Auto 4:3/3:2 FMVAspectRatioSwitch = Off ScreenshotSize = 0 ScreenshotFormat = 0 ScreenshotQuality = 50 StretchY = 100 CropLeft = 0 CropTop = 0 CropRight = 0 CropBottom = 0 pcrtc_antiblur = true disable_interlace_offset = false pcrtc_offsets = false pcrtc_overscan = false IntegerScaling = false UseDebugDevice = false UseBlitSwapChain = false disable_shader_cache = false DisableDualSourceBlend = false DisableFramebufferFetch = false ThreadedPresentation = false SkipDuplicateFrames = true OsdShowMessages = true OsdShowSpeed = false OsdShowFPS = false OsdShowCPU = false OsdShowGPU = false OsdShowResolution = false OsdShowGSStats = false OsdShowIndicators = true OsdShowSettings = false OsdShowInputs = false OsdShowFrameTimes = false OsdShowVersionInfo = false HWSpinGPUForReadbacks = false HWSpinCPUForReadbacks = false paltex = false autoflush_sw = true preload_frame_with_gs_data = false mipmap = true UserHacks = false UserHacks_align_sprite_X = false UserHacks_AutoFlush = false UserHacks_CPU_FB_Conversion = false UserHacks_DisableDepthSupport = false UserHacks_DisablePartialInvalidation = false UserHacks_Disable_Safe_Features = false UserHacks_merge_pp_sprite = false UserHacks_WildHack = false UserHacks_TextureInsideRt = false fxaa = false ShadeBoost = false DumpReplaceableTextures = false DumpReplaceableMipmaps = false DumpTexturesWithFMVActive = false DumpDirectTextures = true DumpPaletteTextures = true LoadTextureReplacements = false LoadTextureReplacementsAsync = true PrecacheTextureReplacements = false linear_present_mode = 1 deinterlace_mode = 0 OsdScale = 100 Renderer = 14 upscale_multiplier = 1 mipmap_hw = -1 accurate_blending_unit = 1 crc_hack_level = -1 filter = 2 texture_preloading = 2 GSDumpCompression = 2 HWDownloadMode = 0 CASMode = 0 CASSharpness = 50 dithering_ps2 = 2 MaxAnisotropy = 0 extrathreads = 2 extrathreads_height = 4 TVShader = 0 UserHacks_SkipDraw_Start = 0 UserHacks_SkipDraw_End = 0 UserHacks_Half_Bottom_Override = -1 UserHacks_HalfPixelOffset = 0 UserHacks_round_sprite_offset = 0 UserHacks_TCOffsetX = 0 UserHacks_TCOffsetY = 0 UserHacks_CPUSpriteRenderBW = 0 UserHacks_CPUCLUTRender = 0 UserHacks_TriFilter = -1 OverrideTextureBarriers = -1 OverrideGeometryShaders = -1 ShadeBoost_Brightness = 50 ShadeBoost_Contrast = 50 ShadeBoost_Saturation = 50 png_compression_level = 1 VideoCaptureContainer = mp4 VideoCaptureCodec = VideoCaptureBitrate = 6000 Adapter = HWDumpDirectory = SWDumpDirectory = [SPU2/Mixing] Interpolation = 5 FinalVolume = 100 VolumeAdjustC = 0 VolumeAdjustFL = 0 VolumeAdjustFR = 0 VolumeAdjustBL = 0 VolumeAdjustBR = 0 VolumeAdjustSL = 0 VolumeAdjustSR = 0 VolumeAdjustLFE = 0 [SPU2/Output] OutputModule = cubeb BackendName = Latency = 100 SynchMode = 0 SpeakerConfiguration = 0 DplDecodingLevel = 0 [DEV9/Eth] EthEnable = false EthApi = Unset EthDevice = EthLogDNS = false InterceptDHCP = false PS2IP = Mask = Gateway = DNS1 = DNS2 = AutoMask = true AutoGateway = true ModeDNS1 = Auto ModeDNS2 = Auto [DEV9/Eth/Hosts] Count = 0 [DEV9/Hdd] HddEnable = false HddFile = DEV9hdd.raw HddSizeSectors = 83886080 [EmuCore/Gamefixes] VuAddSubHack = false FpuMulHack = false FpuNegDivHack = false XgKickHack = false EETimingHack = false SoftwareRendererFMVHack = false SkipMPEGHack = false OPHFlagHack = false DMABusyHack = false VIFFIFOHack = false VIF1StallHack = false GIFFIFOHack = false GoemonTlbHack = false IbitHack = false VUSyncHack = false VUOverflowHack = false BlitInternalFPSHack = false FullVU0SyncHack = false [EmuCore/Profiler] Enabled = false RecBlocks_EE = true RecBlocks_IOP = true RecBlocks_VU0 = true RecBlocks_VU1 = true [EmuCore/Debugger] ShowDebuggerOnStart = false AlignMemoryWindowStart = true FontWidth = 8 FontHeight = 12 WindowWidth = 0 WindowHeight = 0 MemoryViewBytesPerRow = 16 [EmuCore/TraceLog] Enabled = false EE.bitset = 0 IOP.bitset = 0 [USB1] Type = None [USB2] Type = None [Achievements] Enabled = false TestMode = false UnofficialTestMode = false RichPresence = true ChallengeMode = false Leaderboards = true Notifications = true SoundEffects = true PrimedIndicators = true [Filenames] BIOS = [Framerate] NominalScalar = 1 TurboScalar = 2 SlomoScalar = 0.5 [MemoryCards] Slot1_Enable = true Slot1_Filename = Mcd001.ps2 Slot2_Enable = true Slot2_Filename = Mcd002.ps2 Multitap1_Slot2_Enable = false Multitap1_Slot2_Filename = Mcd-Multitap1-Slot02.ps2 Multitap1_Slot3_Enable = false Multitap1_Slot3_Filename = Mcd-Multitap1-Slot03.ps2 Multitap1_Slot4_Enable = false Multitap1_Slot4_Filename = Mcd-Multitap1-Slot04.ps2 Multitap2_Slot2_Enable = false Multitap2_Slot2_Filename = Mcd-Multitap2-Slot02.ps2 Multitap2_Slot3_Enable = false Multitap2_Slot3_Filename = Mcd-Multitap2-Slot03.ps2 Multitap2_Slot4_Enable = false Multitap2_Slot4_Filename = Mcd-Multitap2-Slot04.ps2 [Logging] EnableSystemConsole = false EnableFileLogging = false EnableTimestamps = true EnableVerbose = false EnableEEConsole = false EnableIOPConsole = false EnableInputRecordingLogs = true EnableControllerLogs = false [InputSources] Keyboard = true Mouse = true Sensor = false SDL = true SDLControllerEnhancedMode = false [Hotkeys] ToggleFullscreen = Keyboard/Alt & Keyboard/Return CycleAspectRatio = Keyboard/F6 CycleInterlaceMode = Keyboard/F5 CycleMipmapMode = Keyboard/Insert GSDumpMultiFrame = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Shift & Keyboard/F8 Screenshot = Keyboard/F8 GSDumpSingleFrame = Keyboard/Shift & Keyboard/F8 ToggleSoftwareRendering = Keyboard/F9 ZoomIn = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Plus ZoomOut = Keyboard/Control & Keyboard/Minus InputRecToggleMode = Keyboard/Shift & Keyboard/R LoadStateFromSlot = Keyboard/F3 SaveStateToSlot = Keyboard/F1 NextSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/F2 PreviousSaveStateSlot = Keyboard/Shift & Keyboard/F2 OpenPauseMenu = Keyboard/Escape OpenPauseMenu = SDL-0/Back & SDL-0/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-1/Back & SDL-1/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-2/Back & SDL-2/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-3/Back & SDL-3/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-4/Back & SDL-4/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-5/Back & SDL-5/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-6/Back & SDL-6/Start OpenPauseMenu = SDL-7/Back & SDL-7/Start ToggleFrameLimit = Keyboard/F4 TogglePause = Keyboard/Space ToggleSlowMotion = Keyboard/Shift & Keyboard/Backtab ToggleTurbo = Keyboard/Tab HoldTurbo = Keyboard/Period [Pad] MultitapPort1 = false MultitapPort2 = false PointerXScale = 8 PointerYScale = 8 [Pad1] Type = DualShock2 InvertL = 0 InvertR = 0 Deadzone = 0 AxisScale = 1.33 LargeMotorScale = 1 SmallMotorScale = 1 ButtonDeadzone = 0 PressureModifier = 0.5 Up = SDL-0/DPadUp Right = SDL-0/DPadRight Down = SDL-0/DPadDown Left = SDL-0/DPadLeft Triangle = SDL-0/Y Circle = SDL-0/B Cross = SDL-0/A Square = SDL-0/X Select = SDL-0/Back Start = SDL-0/Start L1 = SDL-0/LeftShoulder L2 = SDL-0/+LeftTrigger R1 = SDL-0/RightShoulder R2 = SDL-0/+RightTrigger L3 = SDL-0/LeftStick R3 = SDL-0/RightStick LUp = SDL-0/-LeftY LRight = SDL-0/+LeftX LDown = SDL-0/+LeftY LLeft = SDL-0/-LeftX RUp = SDL-0/-RightY RRight = SDL-0/+RightX RDown = SDL-0/+RightY RLeft = SDL-0/-RightX Analog = SDL-0/Guide LargeMotor = SDL-0/LargeMotor SmallMotor = SDL-0/SmallMotor [Pad2] Type = None [Pad3] Type = None [Pad4] Type = None [Pad5] Type = None [Pad6] Type = None [Pad7] Type = None [Pad8] Type = None _EOF_ fi chmod -R 755 /home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis/PCSX2.ini # 6. Provide 32-bit runtime environment #gzip -d /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/Batocera34/batocera_re.tar.gz #tar xf /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/Batocera34/batocera_re.tar -C / #ln -s /lib32/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ld-2.31.so /lib/ld-linux-armhf.so.3 #cp -r /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/Batocera34/usr / #if [[ -d /lib32 ]]; then # echo "Runtime environment provided ok..." #else # echo "Runtime environment is missing or faulty, exiting..." # exit 1 #fi # 7. Initialize uinput-mapper #cd /home/pi/McAirpos/McAirpos/uinput-mapper #make #cd /home/pi # 8. Finish up ln -s /home/pi/aethersx2/AetherSX2/usr/bin/aethersx2 /usr/bin/aethersx2 chmod -R 755 /usr/bin/aethersx2 /usr/bin/batocera-save-overlay 100 mount -o remount,ro / echo "AetherSX2 has sucsessfully installed" echo "Please add a .chd, .cue or a .iso game to the ps2 roms folder to see changes" echo "" echo "To configure AetherSX2 run the aethersx2.sh file from the userdata directory on the file browser." echo "Please use the default config in /home/pi/.config/aethersx2/inis/PCSX2.ini" exit 0