# Base compiler flags. Only change if you *explicitly* know what you're doing. CXXRTDIR = $(VCDIR)/crt UCRTDIR = $(VCDIR)/ucrt PSDKDIR = $(VCDIR)/winsdk Release_RTLIBS = libcmt.lib libucrt.lib libvcruntime.lib libcpmt.lib Debug_RTLIBS = libcmtd.lib libucrtd.lib libvcruntimed.lib libcpmtd.lib # I really should rename this x_x CLANG_FLAGS = -fms-extensions -fms-compatibility-version=19 -isystem $(CXXRTDIR)/include -isystem $(UCRTDIR)/include -isystem $(PSDKDIR)/include/shared -isystem $(PSDKDIR)/include/um BASE_FLAGS = -MMD -gcodeview -fvisibility=hidden $(CLANG_FLAGS) -march=pentium-mmx -Iinclude -Isrc -Ithird_party -mstack-alignment=4 -D_WIN32_WINNT=0x0501 BASE_CCFLAGS = $(BASE_FLAGS) -std=gnu17 BASE_CXXFLAGS = $(BASE_FLAGS) -std=c++20 BASE_LDFLAGS_SHARED = /dll BASE_LDFLAGS = /nodefaultlib /version:5.1 /machine:i386 /subsystem:windows,5.1 /libpath:$(CXXRTDIR)/lib/x86 /libpath:$(UCRTDIR)/lib /libpath:$(PSDKDIR)/lib # TODO: Figure out what optimizations are safe and don't break the stack Release_Valid = yes Release_CCFLAGS = -O0 -DNDEBUG Release_CXXFLAGS = -O0 -DNDEBUG Release_LDFLAGS = /debug /pdb:$(BINDIR)/$(NAME).pdb Debug_Valid = yes Debug_CCFLAGS = -O0 -DDEBUG # -D_DEBUG Debug_CXXFLAGS = -O0 -DDEBUG # -D_DEBUG -D_ITERATOR_DEBUG_LEVEL=0 Debug_LDFLAGS = /debug /pdb:$(BINDIR)/$(NAME).pdb # select a default configuration or validate configuration ifeq ($(CONFIG),) CONFIG = Release endif ifneq ($($(CONFIG)_Valid),yes) $(error Please select a valid configuration) endif # define the directories used for output products here. BINDIR = bin/$(ARCH)/$(CONFIG) OBJDIR = obj/$(ARCH)/$(CONFIG)