import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { WebSocket } from 'ws'; import { MSAgentAdminBanMessage, MSAgentAdminGetIPMessage, MSAgentAdminGetIPResponse, MSAgentAdminKickMessage, MSAgentAdminLoginMessage, MSAgentAdminLoginResponse, MSAgentAdminMessage, MSAgentAdminOperation, MSAgentErrorMessage, MSAgentSendImageMessage, MSAgentJoinMessage, MSAgentProtocolMessage, MSAgentProtocolMessageType, MSAgentTalkMessage, MSAgentPlayAnimationMessage } from '@msagent-chat/protocol'; import { MSAgentChatRoom } from './room.js'; import * as htmlentities from 'html-entities'; import RateLimiter from './ratelimiter.js'; import { createHash } from 'crypto'; // Event types export interface Client { on(event: 'join', listener: () => void): this; on(event: 'close', listener: () => void): this; on(event: 'talk', listener: (msg: string) => void): this; on(event: 'animation', listener: (anim: string) => void): this; on(event: 'image', listener: (id: string) => void): this; on(event: string, listener: Function): this; } export class Client extends EventEmitter { ip: string; username: string | null; agent: string | null; admin: boolean; room: MSAgentChatRoom; socket: WebSocket; nopTimer: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; nopLevel: number; chatRateLimit: RateLimiter; animRateLimit: RateLimiter; constructor(socket: WebSocket, room: MSAgentChatRoom, ip: string) { super(); this.socket = socket; this.ip = ip; = room; this.username = null; this.agent = null; this.admin = false; this.resetNop(); this.nopLevel = 0; this.chatRateLimit = new RateLimiter(; this.animRateLimit = new RateLimiter(; this.socket.on('message', (msg, isBinary) => { if (isBinary) { this.socket.close(); return; } this.parseMessage(msg.toString('utf-8')); }); this.socket.on('error', () => {}); this.socket.on('close', () => { this.emit('close'); }); } send(msg: MSAgentProtocolMessage) { return new Promise((res, rej) => { if (this.socket.readyState !== WebSocket.OPEN) { res(); return; } this.socket.send(JSON.stringify(msg), (err) => { if (err) { rej(err); return; } res(); }); }); } private resetNop() { clearInterval(this.nopTimer); this.nopLevel = 0; this.nopTimer = setInterval(() => { if (this.nopLevel++ >= 3) { this.socket.close(); } else { this.send({ op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.KeepAlive }); } }, 10000); } private async parseMessage(data: string) { let msg: MSAgentProtocolMessage; try { msg = JSON.parse(data); } catch { this.socket.close(); return; } this.resetNop(); switch (msg.op) { case MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Join: { let joinMsg = msg as MSAgentJoinMessage; if (this.username !== null || ! || ! || ! { this.socket.close(); return; } let username =; if (!validateUsername(username)) { let msg: MSAgentErrorMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Error, data: { error: 'Usernames can contain only numbers, letters, spaces, dashes, underscores, and dots, and it must be between 3 and 20 characters.' } }; await this.send(msg); this.socket.close(); return; } if ( => username.indexOf(w) !== -1)) { this.socket.close(); return; } if ( => u.username === username)) { let i = 1; let uo = username; do { username = uo + i++; } while ( => u.username === username)); } if (! => a.filename === { this.socket.close(); return; } this.username = username; this.agent =; this.emit('join'); break; } case MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Talk: { let talkMsg = msg as MSAgentTalkMessage; if (! || ! || !this.chatRateLimit.request()) { return; } if ( > return; if ( => !== -1)) { return; } this.emit('talk',; break; } case MSAgentProtocolMessageType.PlayAnimation: { let animMsg = msg as MSAgentPlayAnimationMessage; if (! || ! || !this.animRateLimit.request()) return; this.emit('animation',; break; } case MSAgentProtocolMessageType.SendImage: { let imgMsg = msg as MSAgentSendImageMessage; if (! || ! || !this.chatRateLimit.request()) return; this.emit('image',; break; } case MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Admin: { let adminMsg = msg as MSAgentAdminMessage; if (! return; switch ( { case MSAgentAdminOperation.Login: { let loginMsg = adminMsg as MSAgentAdminLoginMessage; if (this.admin || ! return; let sha256 = createHash('sha256'); sha256.update(; let hash = sha256.digest('hex'); sha256.destroy(); let success = false; if (hash === { this.admin = true; success = true; this.emit('admin'); } let res: MSAgentAdminLoginResponse = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Admin, data: { action: MSAgentAdminOperation.Login, success } }; this.send(res); break; } case MSAgentAdminOperation.GetIP: { let getIPMsg = adminMsg as MSAgentAdminGetIPMessage; if (!this.admin || ! || ! return; let _user = => c.username ===; if (!_user) return; let res: MSAgentAdminGetIPResponse = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Admin, data: { action: MSAgentAdminOperation.GetIP, username: _user.username!, ip: _user.ip } }; this.send(res); break; } case MSAgentAdminOperation.Kick: { let kickMsg = adminMsg as MSAgentAdminKickMessage; if (!this.admin || ! || ! return; let _user = => c.username ===; if (!_user) return; let res: MSAgentErrorMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Error, data: { error: 'You have been kicked.' } }; await _user.send(res); _user.socket.close(); break; } case MSAgentAdminOperation.Ban: { let banMsg = adminMsg as MSAgentAdminBanMessage; if (!this.admin || ! || ! return; let _user = => c.username ===; if (!_user) return; let res: MSAgentErrorMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Error, data: { error: 'You have been banned.' } }; await, _user.username!); await _user.send(res); _user.socket.close(); break; } } break; } } } } function validateUsername(username: string) { return username.length >= 3 && username.length <= 20 && /^[a-zA-Z0-9\ \-\_\.]+$/.test(username); }