import { MSAgentAddUserMessage, MSAgentChatMessage, MSAgentInitMessage, MSAgentProtocolMessage, MSAgentProtocolMessageType, MSAgentRemoveUserMessage } from "@msagent-chat/protocol"; import { Client } from "./client.js"; import { TTSClient } from "./tts.js"; import { AgentConfig, ChatConfig } from "./config.js"; import * as htmlentities from 'html-entities'; export class MSAgentChatRoom { agents: AgentConfig[]; clients: Client[]; tts: TTSClient | null; msgId : number = 0; config: ChatConfig; constructor(config: ChatConfig, agents: AgentConfig[], tts: TTSClient | null) { this.agents = agents; this.clients = []; this.config = config; this.tts = tts; } addClient(client: Client) { this.clients.push(client); client.on('close', () => { this.clients.splice(this.clients.indexOf(client), 1); if (client.username === null) return; let msg: MSAgentRemoveUserMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.RemoveUser, data: { username: client.username } }; for (const _client of this.getActiveClients()) { _client.send(msg); } }); client.on('join', () => { let initmsg : MSAgentInitMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Init, data: { username: client.username!, agent: client.agent!, charlimit: this.config.charlimit, users: this.clients.filter(c => c.username !== null).map(c => { return { username: c.username!, agent: c.agent! } }) } }; client.send(initmsg); let msg: MSAgentAddUserMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.AddUser, data: { username: client.username!, agent: client.agent! } } for (const _client of this.getActiveClients().filter(c => c !== client)) { _client.send(msg); } }); client.on('talk', async message => { let msg: MSAgentChatMessage = { op: MSAgentProtocolMessageType.Chat, data: { username: client.username!, message: message } }; if (this.tts !== null) { let filename = await this.tts.synthesizeToFile(message, (++this.msgId).toString(10)); = "/api/tts/" + filename; } for (const _client of this.getActiveClients()) { _client.send(msg); } }); } private getActiveClients() { return this.clients.filter(c => c.username !== null); } }