import {REST, Routes, Client, GatewayIntentBits, CommandInteraction, EmbedBuilder, CommandInteractionOption, CommandInteractionOptionResolver } from "discord.js"; import * as fs from "node:fs"; import commands from "./commands.js"; import {MakePrediction} from "./predictor.js"; import Election from "./election.js"; import CandidateEmojis from "./candidateEmojis.js"; import Elections from "./elections/elections.js"; import VoteType from "./VoteType.js"; const configraw = fs.readFileSync("config.json", "utf-8"); const config = JSON.parse(configraw); if (!config.token) { console.error("Please provide a Token and Client ID in config.json"); process.exit(1); } (async () => { const client = new Client({ intents: [GatewayIntentBits.Guilds] }); client.on('ready', async () => { console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user!.tag}!`); await publishSlashCommands(client.application!.id); }); client.on('interactionCreate', async i => { if (i instanceof CommandInteraction) { await i.deferReply(); switch (i.commandName) { case "approval": // TODO: Replace this with API! let poll_data = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('data/approval_rating.json', "utf-8")); let polls = ""; var source = i.options.get('source')?.value as string switch (source) { case "thehill": // source: polls = `${poll_data.thehill.description}:\n\n`; Object.keys(poll_data.thehill.polls).forEach(poll => { polls += `:red_circle: **${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].pollster}** - (**${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].date}**), ${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].sample}, **${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].approve}**% approve, **${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].disapprove}**% disapprove (**${poll_data.thehill.polls[poll].spread}**)\n`; }); break; case "fivethirtyeight": // source: polls = `${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.description}:\n\n`; Object.keys(poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls).forEach(poll => { polls += `:red_circle: **${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].pollster}** - (**${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].date}**), ${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].sample}, **${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].approve}**% approve, **${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].disapprove}**% disapprove (adjusted: **${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].approve_adjusted}**% approve, **${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].disapprove_adjusted}**% disapprove) (**${poll_data.fivethirtyeight.polls[poll].spread}**)\n`; }); break; default: // source: polls = `${poll_data.rcp.description}:\n\n`; Object.keys(poll_data.rcp.polls).forEach(poll => { polls += `:red_circle: **${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].pollster}** - (**${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].date}**), ${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].sample}, **${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].approve}**% approve, **${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].disapprove}**% disapprove (spread: **${poll_data.rcp.polls[poll].spread}**)\n`; }); break; } await i.editReply(`${polls}`); break; case "test": var country = i.options.get('country')?.value as string var election_type = i.options.get('type')?.value as string var year = Number(i.options.get('year')?.value) let query = await fetch(`${country}/${election_type}/${year}`); // temp test url let results = await query.json(); if (query.ok) { if(results[year] != undefined) { var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(` ${results[year][0].election_name}`) .setDescription("API test") .addFields(Object.values(results[year][0].candidates).map((candidate: any) => ({ name: `${candidate.winner ? ":white_check_mark:" : ""} ${CandidateEmojis[] ?? ""} ${} ${candidate.incumbent ? "(I)" : ""} (${})`, value: `${results[year][0].election_type === "electoral" ? `${candidate.electoral_votes} electoral votes\n` : ""}${results[year][0].election_type === "parliament" ? `${candidate.seats_won} seats\n` : ""}${candidate.states_carried !== null && candidate.states_carried !== undefined ? `${candidate.states_carried} states carried\n` : ""}${candidate.delegates !== null && candidate.delegates !== undefined ? `${candidate.delegates} delegates\n` : ""}${candidate.votes !== null && candidate.votes !== undefined ? `${candidate.votes.toLocaleString()} votes (${candidate.percent}%)` : ""}`, inline: true }))) .setTimestamp(); if(results[year][0].has_map === true) { const map = await fetch(`${country}/${election_type}/${year}/map`); // temp test url if (map.ok) { const arrayBuffer = await map.arrayBuffer(); const buffer = Buffer.from(arrayBuffer); embed.setImage("attachment://map.png"); await i.editReply({embeds: [embed], files: [{attachment: buffer, name: "map.png"}]}); break; } else { await i.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); break; } } else { await i.editReply({embeds: [embed]}); break; } } else { await i.editReply("Election not found"); break; } } else { await i.editReply("An error occurred fetching the data"); break; } break; case "simulate": var electionname = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getSubcommand(); var overlayimage = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getAttachment('image_overlay'); var overlayopacity = Number(i.options.get('image_opacity')?.value); var election = structuredClone(Elections[electionname]); for (const candidate of election.candidates) { var option = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getString( /g, "_") + "_candidate"); if (option) { = option; } var bias = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getNumber( /g, "_") + "_bias"); if (bias) { for (const state of Object.keys(election.states)) { election.states[state].odds[] += bias; } } } var newcandidate = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getString("add_candidate"); if (newcandidate) { var party = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getString("with_party") || "Independent"; var color = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getString("with_color") || "#bfab22"; var odds = (i.options as CommandInteractionOptionResolver).getNumber("with_odds") || 0.33; if (!/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]{3,6}$/.test(color)) { await i.editReply("Please provide a valid hex color code"); return; } if (election.candidates.some(c => === party || === newcandidate)) { await i.editReply("A candidate with that name or party already exists"); return } election.candidates.push({ name: newcandidate, party: party, color: color }); for (const state of Object.keys(election.states)) election.states[state].odds[party] = odds; } if (overlayimage !== null) { if (overlayimage.size > 5000000) { await i.editReply("Keep images under 5 MB please!"); return; } if (overlayimage.contentType?.substring(0, 5) != "image") { await i.editReply("Invalid image!"); return; } } if (overlayopacity > 100 || overlayopacity < 0) { await i.editReply("Invalid opacity!"); return; } var result = await MakePrediction(election, overlayimage?.url, overlayopacity ? Math.round((overlayopacity / 100) * 255) : 255); var embed = new EmbedBuilder() .setTitle(election.title) .setDescription(election.description.replace("$WINNER", result.winner)) .addFields( => { return { name: `${(result.winner === ? ":white_check_mark:" : "")} ${} (${})`, value: `${election.voteType === VoteType.Electoral ? `${c.electoralVotes} electoral votes\n` : ""}${c.votes.toLocaleString()} votes (${((c.votes / result.totalVotes) * 100).toFixed(2)}%)`, inline: true } })) .setImage("attachment://election.png") .setTimestamp(); await i.editReply({embeds: [embed], files: [{attachment: result.png, name: "election.png"}]}); } } }); client.login(config.token); })(); async function publishSlashCommands(clientid : string) { const rest = new REST({ version: '10' }).setToken(config.token); await rest.put(Routes.applicationCommands(clientid), {body: commands}); console.log("Successfully registered slash commands"); }