import CollabVMClient from "./client.js"; import { BANNED_ISO, ISO_DIRECTORIES, INSTALLBOT_VMS, BOT_PREFIX, ADMIN_TOKEN, kGeneralLimitBaseSeconds, kRebootLimitBaseSeconds, } from "./config.js"; function Log() { // console.log(`[AnyOSBot] [${new Date()}]`, [...arguments].join(' ')) console.log("[AnyOSBot]", [...arguments].join(" ")); } // you people SUCK man (dynamic edition, with less bugs!) // and it actually probably works without hanging or negative seconds this time. class RateLimit { constructor(time, factor, ident) { this._ident = ident; this._timeBase = time; this._msUntil = 0; this._n = 1; this._factor = factor; } GetTime() { return this._msUntil; } IsLimited() { return this._limited; } GetMs() { let ret = Math.floor(this._n * (1 / 5) * this._timeBase * this._factor); // Make sure it's at least time base if (ret < 1000) ret = this._timeBase; // Clean out fractional milliseconds if (ret % 1000 != 0) ret -= ret % 1000; //Log(`Debug: Ratelimit returns ${ret} (where N = ${this._n})`); return ret; } SetUserCount(count) { if (count == 0) count = 1; this._n = count; //Log(`Debug: Ratelimit \"${this._ident}\" count set to ${count}, algo says time will be: ${this.GetMs()} (${this.GetMs() / 1000} seconds)`); } StartLimit() { // TODO: this might work for the dyna ratelimit? if (this._limited) return; let self = this; self._msUntil = this.GetMs(); Log( `Ratelimit \"${this._ident}\" started, will be done in ${self._msUntil} ms (${self._msUntil / 1000} seconds)`, ); self._limited = true; this._siHandle = setInterval(() => { self._msUntil -= 1000; if (self._msUntil <= 0) { Log(`Ratelimit \"${self._ident}\" is done.`); clearInterval(self._siHandle); self._limited = false; return; } }, 1000); } ToString() { const time = Math.floor(this.GetTime() / 1000); let second_or_seconds = () => { if (time > 1 || time === 0) return "seconds"; return "second"; }; return `${time} ${second_or_seconds()}`; } } class HelperBot extends CollabVMClient { constructor(wsUri, vmId, ide2, floppy) { super(); this._wsUri = wsUri; this._vmId = vmId; this._ide2 = ide2; this._hasFloppy = floppy; } DoConn() { Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Connecting to ${this._wsUri}`); this.Connect(this._wsUri); } OnOpen() { Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Bot connected to CollabVM server`); this.CreateRateLimits(); // This dummy rename is required for some dumb reason.. this.Rename("fucker google"); this.ConnectToVM(this._vmId); } OnClose(ev) { //console.log(arguments) // reconnect lol /* the right way doesnt work thanks to something Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Connection closed, reconnecting in 5 seconds`); let self = this; setTimeout(() => { Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Reconnecting now`); self.DoConn(); }, 1000 * 5) */ Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Connection closed, exiting process`); process.exit(0); // The bot should probably give up after some attempts } Chat(message) { this.SendGuacamoleMessage("chat", message); } OnAddUser_Bot(count) { this.GeneralCmdLimit.SetUserCount(count); this.RebootLimit.SetUserCount(count); } OnRemUser_Bot(count) { this.GeneralCmdLimit.SetUserCount(count); this.RebootLimit.SetUserCount(count); } UserCanBypass(username) { let existingUser = this.GetUser(username); // Apparently this can fail somehow..? if (existingUser == null) return false; let rank = existingUser.GetRank(); return rank == 2 || rank == 3; } SendMonitorCommand(cmd) { this.SendGuacamoleMessage("admin", "5", this.GetVM(), cmd); } ConcatPath(isodir, otherPath) { let isopath = ISO_DIRECTORIES[isodir]; if (isopath === undefined) { // imo crashing and being restarted by systemd is better than not knowing why shit was coming out as undefined // gotta love javascript throw new Error(`Undefined iso directory ${isodir}`); } return `${isopath}/${otherPath}`; } // QEMU Abstractions QemuEjectDevice(devname) { this.SendMonitorCommand(`eject ${devname}`); } QemuChangeDevice(devname, source, opts) { this.SendMonitorCommand(`change ${devname} "${source}" ${opts}`); } QemuEjectCd() { if (this._ide2) this.QemuEjectDevice("ide2-cd0"); else this.QemuEjectDevice(""); } QemuEjectFloppy() { if (this._hasFloppy) this.QemuEjectDevice("vm.floppy"); } QemuChangeCd(source, opts) { if (this._ide2) this.QemuChangeDevice("ide2-cd0", source, opts); else this.QemuChangeDevice("", source, opts); } QemuChangeFloppy(source) { if (this._hasFloppy) this.QemuChangeDevice("vm.floppy", source, "raw read-only"); } OnChat(username, message) { //console.log(`${username}> ${message}`); if (username == this.GetUsername()) return; if (message[0] === BOT_PREFIX) { this.HandleCommands(username, message); } } HandleCommands(username, message) { { let user = this.GetUser(username); if (user == null) { Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `I don't know about user \"${username}\" `); process.exit(0); return; } // This should disallow unregistered users, // please don't fuck the rank up to where I can't do this if (!(user.GetRank() >= 1)) { return; } } // Little code fragment to make rate limiting // more portable. const DoLimit = (limit) => { //console.log(`[AnyOSBot] [${this._vmId}] ${this.GetUserCount()} users online (${this.GetUserCountFull()} actual)`) //if(this._vmId !== 'vm0b0t') { // if (limit.IsLimited() && !this.UserCanBypass(username)) { this.Chat( `You may not use commands yet. Please wait ${limit.ToString()}.`, ); return false; } //} //console.log(`[AnyOSBot] [${this._vmId}] ${new Date()} ${username} executed command ${command}`) //Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `${username} executed \"!${command}\"`); Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `${username} executed \"${message}\"`); if (!this.UserCanBypass(username)) { limit.StartLimit(); } return true; }; // generate a help HTML string for the help const generateHelp = (arr) => { let str = "

AnyOSInstallBot Help:

"; return str; }; const generateList = (title, arr) => { let str = `


"; return str; }; let command = ""; if (message.indexOf(" ") !== -1) command = message.slice(1, message.indexOf(" ")); else command = message.slice(1); switch (command) { case "help": if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; this.SendGuacamoleMessage( "admin", "21", generateHelp([ { command: "certerror", help: "Provides information on the CollabNet SSL certificate", }, { command: "network", help: "Provides network driver information" }, { command: "cd [path]", help: "Change CD image to Computernewb ISO image (see", }, { command: "lilycd [path]", help: "Change CD image to Lily ISO image (see", }, { command: "crustycd [path]", help: "Change CD image to CrustyWindows ISO image (see", }, { command: "flp [path]", help: "Change Floppy image to Dartz IMG/flp image", usesFloppy: true, }, { command: "lilyflp [path]", help: "Change Floppy image to Lily IMG/flp image", usesFloppy: true, }, { command: "httpcd [URL]", help: "Change CD image to HTTP server ISO file. Whitelisted domains only (see for a list)", }, { command: "eject [cd/flp]", help: "Ejects media from the specified drive.", }, { command: "reboot", help: "Reboot the VM. Has a larger cooldown, so don't be a retard with it.", }, { command: "bootset [string of c,a,d,n]", help: "Change the VM's boot order", }, ]), ); return; break; case "network": if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; switch (this._vmId) { case "vm7": this.SendGuacamoleMessage( "admin", "21", generateList("VirtIO Network Setup Instructions (Windows):", [ 'Run "!cd driver/virtio-win-0.1.225.iso" to insert the VirtIO driver CD into the VM.', 'Run "devmgmt.msc" in the VM, look for the "Ethernet Controller" device, and update its driver.', "When asked for a path, put in D:\\NetKVM\\{OS}\\x86 (or on a 64-bit OS, D:\\NetKVM\\{OS}\\amd64)", "After that, see the !certerror command.", ]), ); break; case "vm8": this.SendGuacamoleMessage( "admin", "21", generateList("RTL8139 Network Setup Instructions (Windows):", [ 'Run "!cd Driver/VM8 Network Drivers.iso" to insert the RTL8139 network driver CD into the VM.', 'Run "devmgmt.msc" in the VM, look for the "Ethernet Controller" device, and update its driver.', "When asked for a path, put in D:\\(name of OS)\\. For example, on Windows NT 4, put in D:\\WINNT4\\ (click browse and select the OS if you can't figure it out)", "After that, you should be online. This step should NOT be required on Windows 2000, XP, Vista, or 7. This step should not be required on ANY Linux distro unless its really shit.", ]), ); break; default:"This VM should already have internet."); break; } break; case "certerror": if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; //if(this._vmId == 'vm0b0t') { // this.SendGuacamoleMessage("admin", "21", "

fuck off retard why are you trying to get collabnet on vm0

"); // return; //} this.SendGuacamoleMessage( "admin", "21", generateList("CollabNet Setup Instructions:", [ "Follow the instructions on to install the certificate.", ]), ); break; // this is gigantic holy fuck case "cd": case "lilycd": case "crustycd": case "flp": case "lilyflp": case "httpcd": case "httpflp": { if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; let arg = message.slice(message.indexOf(" ") + 1); let ext = arg.slice(arg.lastIndexOf(".") + 1); if (arg.indexOf("..") !== -1) return; for (var ii = 0; ii < BANNED_ISO.length; ii++) { if (BANNED_ISO[ii].test(arg)) { this.Chat("That ISO is currently blacklisted."); return; } } switch (command) { case "cd": case "lilycd": case "crustycd": if ( arg.indexOf("http://") !== -1 || arg.indexOf("https://") != -1 ) { this.Chat( "Use the http versions of these commands, if the iso is locally hosted you can try !command Path/iso.iso (case-sensitive)", ); return; } if (ext.toLowerCase() === "iso") { // repetitive but whatever it works if (command === "lilycd") this.QemuChangeCd(this.ConcatPath("lily", arg), ""); else if (command == "crustycd") this.QemuChangeCd(this.ConcatPath("crustywin", arg), ""); else if (command == "cd") this.QemuChangeCd(this.ConcatPath("computernewb", arg), ""); //this.QemuChangeCd(this.ConcatPath(command === 'lilycd' && 'lily' || command === "crustycd" && 'crustywin' || 'computernewb', arg), ""); } break; case "flp": case "lilyflp": if ( arg.indexOf("http://") !== -1 || arg.indexOf("https://") != -1 ) { this.Chat("Use the http versions of these commands"); return; } if (!this._hasFloppy) { this.Chat("This VM does not have a floppy drive."); return; } if (ext.toLowerCase() === "iso") { this.Chat("dumbass, use !cd or !lilycd"); return; } if (ext.toLowerCase() === "img" || ext.toLowerCase() === "ima") { this.QemuChangeFloppy( this.ConcatPath( command === "lilyflp" ? "lily" : "computernewb", arg, ), ); } break; case "httpcd": //this.Chat("Disabled due to retards, sorry! Try !cd, !lilycd or !crustycd for some local isos."); //return; // whitelisted domains const whitelist = [ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ]; /*var is_founded = false; // this might not be elegant sorry - Hilda for (var piss in whitelist) { //console.log(`${arg.indexOf(whitelist[piss])}`); if (arg.startsWith(whitelist[piss]) === true) { // no is_founded = true; break; } }*/ // Yeah I knew it, thanks modeco! - Hilda let is_founded = (() => whitelist.find((e) => arg.startsWith(e)) !== undefined)(); if (is_founded === false) { //this.Chat("This is sparta!"); return; } /* if(arg.indexOf('~dartz/isos') !== -1 || arg.indexOf('~lily/ISOs') !== -1) { this.Chat('Use the non-http versions of these commands for local images, please.'); return; } */ /*if(arg.indexOf('') !== -1) { // make this an else if or bundle in previous if if latter is added back this.Chat("Use the !crustycd command for the bootleg collection, please."); return; }*/ // wait im retarded whitelist if (ext.toLowerCase() === "iso") this.QemuChangeCd(arg, ""); break; case "httpflp": //this.Chat("Disabled due to retards; sorry!"); //return; if ( arg.indexOf("~dartz/isos") !== -1 || arg.indexOf("~lily/ISOs") !== -1 ) { this.Chat( "Use the non-http versions of these commands for local images, please.", ); return; } if (!this._hasFloppy) { this.Chat("This VM does not have a floppy drive."); return; } if (ext.toLowerCase() == "img" || ext.toLowerCase() == "ima") this.QemuChangeFloppy(arg); break; } // bleh this.Chat("Tried to put media into specified device."); } break; case "eject": { if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; let arg = message.slice(message.indexOf(" ") + 1); //this.Chat("sorry, severe autism not allowed right now"); //return; switch (arg) { case "cd": this.QemuEjectCd(); break; case "flp": this.QemuEjectFloppy(); break; } } break; case "reboot": if (!DoLimit(this.RebootLimit)) return; // this.Chat("hold on fellas"); // return; this.SendMonitorCommand("system_reset"); break; case "bootset": if (!DoLimit(this.GeneralCmdLimit)) return; //this.Chat("sorry, severe autism not allowed right now"); //return; this.SendMonitorCommand( `boot_set ${message.slice(message.indexOf(" ") + 1)}`, ); break; default: this.Chat(`Unknown command ${command}. See !help?`); break; } } CreateRateLimits() { // Instanciate rate limit classes // TODO: Should these be shared? idk //if (vmId == 'vm0b0t') // this.GeneralCmdLimit = new RateLimit(25 * 1000); //else this.GeneralCmdLimit = new RateLimit( kGeneralLimitBaseSeconds * 1000, 2, `General commands/${this._vmId}`, ); //this.EjectLimit = new RateLimit(30 * 1000); this.RebootLimit = new RateLimit( kRebootLimitBaseSeconds * 1000, 3, `!reboot/${this._vmId}`, ); } OnGuacamoleMessage(message) { if (message[0] == "connect") { if (message[1] == "0") { Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Failed to connect to VM`); this.Close(); return; } //console.log(message); Log(`[${this._vmId}]`, `Connected to VM`); // I'm fucking lazy this.SendGuacamoleMessage("login", ADMIN_TOKEN); this.CreateRateLimits(); } // 5.admin,1.2,44.unknown command: 'aaaaa' ; if (message[0] == "admin" && message[1] == "2") { if (message[2].indexOf("Could not open") !== -1) { this.Chat( "Could not open selected CD or floppy image. Please check the filename", ); } if (message[2].indexOf("boot device list now set to") !== -1) { this.Chat("Successfully set boot order."); } //console.log(`Admin response: ${message[2]}`); } } } for (let vm of INSTALLBOT_VMS) { // initalize this bot instance new HelperBot(vm.uri,, vm.usesIde2, vm.hasFloppy).DoConn(); }