/* * check_str_array.c * Copyright (C) 2014 c9s * * Distributed under terms of the MIT license. */ #include "config.h" #include #include #include #include "r3.h" #include "r3_str.h" #include "zmalloc.h" START_TEST (test_str_array) { str_array * l = str_array_create(3); ck_assert(l); ck_assert(str_array_append(l, zstrdup("abc"))); ck_assert( l->len == 1 ); ck_assert(str_array_append(l, zstrdup("foo") )); ck_assert( l->len == 2 ); ck_assert( str_array_append(l, zstrdup("bar") ) ); ck_assert( l->len == 3 ); ck_assert( str_array_append(l, zstrdup("zoo") ) ); ck_assert( l->len == 4 ); ck_assert( str_array_resize(l, l->cap * 2) ); str_array_free(l); } END_TEST Suite* r3_suite (void) { Suite *suite = suite_create("str_array test"); TCase *tcase = tcase_create("testcase"); tcase_add_test(tcase, test_str_array); suite_add_tcase(suite, tcase); return suite; } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { int number_failed; Suite *suite = r3_suite(); SRunner *runner = srunner_create(suite); srunner_run_all(runner, CK_NORMAL); number_failed = srunner_ntests_failed(runner); srunner_free(runner); return number_failed; }