R3 ================ [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/r3.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/c9s/r3) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/c9s/r3/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/c9s/r3) R3 is an URL router library with high performance, thus, it's implemented in C. It compiles your route paths into a prefix trie. By using the prefix tree constructed in the start-up time, you can dispatch the path to the controller with high efficiency. Requirement ----------------------- ### Build Requirement * autoconf * automake * check * pkg-config ### Runtime Requirement * pcre * (optional) graphviz version 2.38.0 (20140413.2041) * (optional) libjson-c-dev Pattern Syntax ----------------------- /blog/post/{id} use [^/]+ regular expression by default. /blog/post/{id:\d+} use `\d+` regular expression instead of default. C API ------------------------ ```c #include // create a router tree with 10 children capacity (this capacity can grow dynamically) n = r3_tree_create(10); int route_data = 3; // insert the route path into the router tree r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/bar", &route_data); // ignore the length of path r3_tree_insert_pathl(n, "/zoo", strlen("/zoo"), &route_data ); r3_tree_insert_pathl(n, "/foo/bar", strlen("/foo/bar"), &route_data ); r3_tree_insert_pathl(n ,"/post/{id}", strlen("/post/{id}") , &route_data ); r3_tree_insert_pathl(n, "/user/{id:\\d+}", strlen("/user/{id:\\d+}"), &route_data ); // if you want to cache error, you may call the extended path function for insertion int data = 10; char *errstr = NULL; node *ret = r3_tree_insert_pathl_ex(n, "/foo/{name:\\d{5}", strlen("/foo/{name:\\d{5}"), NULL, &data, &errstr); if (ret == NULL) { // failed insertion printf("error: %s\n", errstr); free(errstr); // errstr is created from `asprintf`, so you have to free it manually. } // let's compile the tree! char *errstr = NULL; int err = r3_tree_compile(n, &errstr); // dump the compiled tree r3_tree_dump(n, 0); // match a route node *matched_node = r3_tree_matchl(n, "/foo/bar", strlen("/foo/bar"), NULL); if (matched_node) { int ret = *( (*int) matched_node->data ); } // release the tree r3_tree_free(n); ``` If you want to capture the variables from regular expression, you will need to create a match entry, the catched variables will be pushed into the match entry structure: ```c match_entry * entry = match_entry_create("/foo/bar"); // free the match entry match_entry_free(entry); ``` And you can even specify the request method restriction: ```c entry->request_method = METHOD_GET; entry->request_method = METHOD_POST; entry->request_method = METHOD_GET | METHOD_POST; ``` When using `match_entry`, you may match the route with `r3_tree_match_entry` function: ```c node *matched_node = r3_tree_match_entry(n, entry); ``` ### Routing with conditions ```c // create a router tree with 10 children capacity (this capacity can grow dynamically) n = r3_tree_create(10); int route_data = 3; // insert the route path into the router tree r3_tree_insert_routel(n, METHOD_GET | METHOD_POST, "/blog/post", sizeof("/blog/post") - 1, &route_data ); char *errstr = NULL; int err; err = r3_tree_compile(n, &errstr); // in your http server handler // create the match entry for capturing dynamic variables. match_entry * entry = match_entry_create("/foo/bar"); entry->request_method = METHOD_GET; route *matched_route = r3_tree_match_route(n, entry); matched_route->data; // get the data from matched route // free the objects at the end r3_route_free(r1); r3_tree_free(n); ``` Slug ----------------------- A slug is a placeholder, which captures the string from the URL as a variable. Slugs will be compiled into regular expression patterns. Slugs without patterns (like `/user/{userId}`) will be compiled into the `[^/]+` pattern. To specify the pattern of a slug, you may write a colon to separate the slug name and the pattern: "/user/{userId:\\d+}" The above route will use `\d+` as its pattern. Optimization ----------------------- Simple regular expressions are optimized through a regexp pattern to opcode translator, which translates simple patterns into small & fast scanners. By using this method, r3 reduces the matching overhead of pcre library. Optimized patterns are: `[a-z]+`, `[0-9]+`, `\d+`, `\w+`, `[^/]+` or `[^-]+` Slugs without specified regular expression will be compiled into the `[^/]+` pattern. therefore, it's optimized too. Complex regular expressions will still use libpcre to match URL (partially). Performance ----------------------- The routing benchmark from stevegraham/rails' PR : omg 10462.0 (±6.7%) i/s - 52417 in 5.030416s And here is the result of the router journey: omg 9932.9 (±4.8%) i/s - 49873 in 5.033452s r3 uses the same route path data for benchmarking, and here is the benchmark: 3 runs, 5000000 iterations each run, finished in 1.308894 seconds 11460057.83 i/sec ### The benchmarking route paths The route path generator is from : ```ruby #!/usr/bin/env ruby arr = ["foo", "bar", "baz", "qux", "quux", "corge", "grault", "garply"] paths = arr.permutation(3).map { |a| "/#{a.join '/'}" } paths.each do |path| puts "r3_tree_insert_path(n, \"#{path}\", NULL);" end ``` Function prefix mapping ----------------------- |Function Prefix |Description | |------------------|------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| |`r3_tree_*` |Tree related operations, which require a node to operate a whole tree | |`r3_node_*` |Single node related operations, which do not go through its own children or parent. | |`r3_edge_*` |Edge related operations | |`r3_route_*` |Route related operations, which are needed only when the tree is defined by routes | |`match_entry_*` |Match entry related operations, a `match_entry` is just like the request parameters | Rendering Routes With Graphviz Support --------------------------------------- The `r3_tree_render_file` API let you render the whole route trie into a image. To use graphviz, you need to enable graphviz while you run `configure`: ./configure --enable-graphviz Here is the sample code of generating graph output: ```c node * n = r3_tree_create(1); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/foo/bar/baz", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/foo/bar/qux", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/foo/bar/quux", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/foo/bar/corge", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/foo/bar/grault", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/garply/grault/foo", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/garply/grault/bar", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/user/{id}", NULL); r3_tree_insert_path(n, "/post/{title:\\w+}", NULL); char *errstr = NULL; int errcode; errcode = r3_tree_compile(n, &errstr); r3_tree_render_file(n, "png", "check_gvc.png"); r3_tree_free(n); ``` ![Imgur](http://i.imgur.com/hA8QXRi.png) Or you can even export it with dot format: ```dot digraph g { graph [bb="0,0,205.1,471"]; node [label="\N"]; "{root}" [height=0.5, pos="35.097,453", width=0.97491]; "#1" [height=0.5, pos="35.097,366", width=0.75]; .... ``` JSON Output Support ---------------------------------------- You can render the whole tree structure into json format output. Please run `configure` with the `--enable-json` option. Here is the sample code to generate JSON string: ```c json_object * obj = r3_node_to_json_object(n); const char *json = r3_node_to_json_pretty_string(n); printf("Pretty JSON: %s\n",json); const char *json = r3_node_to_json_string(n); printf("JSON: %s\n",json); ``` Use case in PHP ----------------------- **not implemented yet** ```php // Here is the paths data structure $paths = [ '/blog/post/{id}' => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'item' , 'method' => 'GET' ] , '/blog/post' => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'list' , 'method' => 'GET' ] , '/blog/post' => [ 'controller' => 'PostController' , 'action' => 'create' , 'method' => 'POST' ] , '/blog' => [ 'controller' => 'BlogController' , 'action' => 'list' , 'method' => 'GET' ] , ]; $rs = r3_compile($paths, 'persisten-table-id'); $ret = r3_dispatch($rs, '/blog/post/3' ); list($complete, $route, $variables) = $ret; // matched conditions aren't done yet list($error, $message) = r3_validate($route); // validate route conditions if ( $error ) { echo $message; // "Method not allowed", "..."; } ``` Install ---------------------- sudo apt-get install check libpcre3 libpcre3-dev libjemalloc-dev libjemalloc1 build-essential libtool automake autoconf pkg-config sudo apt-get install graphviz-dev graphviz # if you want graphviz ./autogen.sh ./configure && make sudo make install #### Run Unit Tests ./configure --enable-check make check #### Enable Graphviz ./configure --enable-graphviz #### With jemalloc ./configure --with-malloc=jemalloc License -------------------- This software is released under MIT License.