#Content modifying Regular Expressions # # The format is: "extended regular expression"->"replacement straight string" # E.g. "shit"->"censored" would replace all occurances of shit in any case. # Far more complicated matches are possible. See other sources for examples # of extended regular expressions. # These are just some examples. If you write any, for example, to # remove popups etc, please send them to author at e2guardian.org. # #"" #"=[ ]*?window\.open[ ]*?\("->"=fwo(" #""->"" # Fix Firefox <= 1.0.7 DoS # http://www.whitedust.net/speaks/1432/ #"(("->"$1dosremovedtext" # Disable ActiveX objects. #"]*application\/x-oleobject[^>]*>.*?<\/object>"->"" #"]*(application/x-oleobject).*?>(.*?)?"->"" # Warn about address bar spoofing. #"(]*href[^>]*)(\x01|\x02|\x03|%0[012])"->"$1MALICIOUS-LINK" # Disable all popups in JavaScript and HTML. It may cause unavoidable # Javascript warnings or errors. Do not enable at the same time as other # popup removing lines. #"((\W\s*)(window|this|parent)\.)open\s*\\?\("->"$1concat(" #"\starget\s*=\s*(['"]?)_?(blank|new)\1?"->" notarget" # Removes the APPLET tag which is generally used Java applets. #"]*>.*?<\/applet>"->"" # Disable the BLINK and MARQUEE tags. #"]*>"->"" # Warn about potential cross-site-scripting vulnerability described here: # http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/298748/2002-11-02/2002-11-08/2 #"f\("javascript:location.replace\('mk:@MSITStore:C:'\)"\);"->"alert\("This page looks like it tries to use a vulnerability described here:\n http://online.securityfocus.com/archive/1/298748/2002-11-02/2002-11-08/2"\);" # Removes the SCRIPT tag with JavaScript. This will likely break sites that are # badly written and thus rely on JavaScript. This should not be used at the same # time as the 'script' category. #""->"
WARNING: This Server is infected with Nimda!" # Disable onunload (page close) popups. #"(]*)onunload"->"$1never" #"()"->"$1never" # Removes the SCRIPT tag which could include JavaScript, perlscript and vbscript. # This will likely break sites that are badly written and thus rely on client # side scripts. This should not be used at the same time as the 'javascript' line. #"]*>.*?<\/script>"->"" # Disable Sockwave Flash objects. #"]*macromedia[^>]*>.*?<\/object>"->"" #"]*(application/x-shockwave-flash\|\.swf).*?>(.*?)?"->"" # Disable unsolicited popups. #"([^'"]\s*)(?=\s*[^'"])"->"$1" #"([^\w\s.]\s*)((window|this|parent)\.)?open\s*\("->"$1SWGuardianWindowOpen(" #"([^'"]\s*)(?!\s*(\\n|'|"))"->"$1" # Remove 1x1 GIFs used for user tracking. #"]*(?:(width)|(height))\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*(?:(width)|(height))\s*=\s*['"]?[01](?=\D)[^>]*?>"->"" # Prevent windows from resizing and moving themselves. #"(?:window|this|self|top)\.(?:move|resize)(?:to|by)\("->"''.concat("