# CollabVM Authentication Server This is the authentication server for CollabVM. It is used alongside CollabVM server to add support for accounts. ## Prerequisites - .NET Core 8.0 or later - A MariaDB or MySQL server - An SMTP server if you want email verification and password reset - An hCaptcha account if you want to use hCaptcha to prevent bots ## Running the server 1. Clone the source code: `git clone https://git.computernewb.com/collabvm/CollabVMAuthServer --recursive` 2. Copy `config.example.toml` to `config.toml` and edit it to your liking 3. Install dependencies: `dotnet restore` 4. Build the server: `dotnet publish CollabVMAuthServer/CollabVMAuthServer.csproj -c Release --os linux -p:PublishReadyToRun=true` 5. Run the server: `./CollabVMAuthServer/bin/Release/net8.0/linux-x64/publish/CollabVMAuthServer` ## Setting up NGINX You'll want to set up NGINX as a reverse proxy to the authentication server to add HTTPS support. Running the server over plain HTTP is strongly discouraged. Here is an example NGINX configuration: ```nginx upstream cvm-auth { server; } # Change the port if you changed the server port in config.toml server { listen 80; server_name collabvm-auth.yourdomain.com; location / { # Uncomment if you use Cloudflare proxying #proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $http_cf_connecting_ip; # Comment if you use Cloudflare proxying proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr; proxy_pass http://cvm-auth; } } ``` At this point, you should now enable SSL. To do this with LetsEncrypt, you can use `sudo certbot -i nginx -d collabvm-auth.yourdomain.com` ## Integrating with CollabVM At this point, you can now integrate the authentication server with CollabVM. You can do this by editing the [auth] section of config.toml. Here is an example: ```toml [auth] enabled = true apiEndpoint = "https://collabvm-auth.yourdomain.com" secretKey = "hunter2" # Change this to the secret key you set in the authentication server's config.toml ``` You can then configure [auth.guestPermissions] to set the permissions for guests. Restart CollabVM after making these changes, and you should now have account support.